Pippo Mezzapesa

Paola Clemente was a 49-year-old farm labourer who worked to death under the sun in the fields of Southern Italy. Her story is told through the declarations taken from the fact-finding acts on illegal recruiters of farm labourers exploiting her and by women travelling on the coach with her.


The friendship between two Southern Italy kids is tested by their meeting with a young girl who's attempted suicide after failing to get married. Based on the novel "Il paese delle spose infelici" (literally, "Village of the Sad Brides", which is also the original title of this film) this elegantly photographed coming-of-age tale has sensitivity to spare but its stylish, yet understated, attitude doesn't easily win viewers over.


It tells the story of an elderly woman, confined in a nursing home because of her poor health. Her daughters do not want to take her to the wedding of her granddaughter. The woman, with the complicity of a nurse, escaped from there, determined at all costs to attend the wedding of her granddaughter.
