Pramod Agrahari

Stories of... Lust, Love & Life


In this corrupted world Youth have a lot of reasons to turn into criminals but when you have someone special you love there will be much more consequences that needs to be faced.Story revolves around two protagonists.


One day, while conducting such smuggling, they lose the transaction slip - a Rs. 2 note. The film "Dui Rupaiyan" entails their quest to find that Rs. 2 and save their necks, all the while saving themselves from local thugs, police, and their boss too.


This movie tells the story of the politics of Nepal how they use their power to control whole nation.

Young Pooja lives with her mother in a village in Nepal. Though saddened by the death of her grandfather, she is secretly thrilled at the prospect of meeting the man she hopes may be her father — Chandra, a former Maoist guerrilla who is returning home after a decade-long civil conflict.


One cool guy's life.

The futuristic political drama revolves around the story of Nepal's first Female Prime Minister who undergoes various challenges in her quest to establish a governance system of transparency, accountability and collaborative leadership.


Set in the early 2000s, Uma is a story about Uma, her brother Milan and their widow mother living in rural Nepal during the Maoist insurgency.
