Primo Zeglio

Jess Vrain returns to town at the request of a former friend to find that everything has changed. Not only has his ex-girlfriend become a refined lady but someone is killing people with the only clue being a rare Winchester rifle.


A team of astronauts is sent to the moon to rescue an alien who is seeking help to save her dying race. They are attacked by a force of bandit robots and discover that enemy spies are out to kill the alien.


Terrorized townsfolk turn into a lynch mob and target a lawman.


Two violent men bent on revenge in the old west.


Gwen (Eory), who is married to Torito, an Indian, she escapes from a rape attempt and is found wandering in the wilderness by Johnny (Hardin), who leaves her with a missionary Father Ryan. A difficult situation emerges involving warring families and those who had assaulted her, still on their trail.


Semiramis, a powerful and beautiful Assyrian queen, oversees the construction of the luxurious city of Babylon. She falls in love with Kir, a fallen prince turned into a slave who corresponds to her love. But a palace conspiracy will make the two lovers separate and confront each other.


Sir Francis Drake fights to take over Spain's treasure routes for Queen Elizabeth I.


Alboino, the Lombard ruler, wants to marry the daughter of a neighboring king, but she loves another. Her father arranges the marriage to Alboino, which he believes will be beneficial to him, only to have Alboino kill him and leave Amalchi, his daughter's real love, beaten and left for dead. Amalchi recovers to lead a revolt against the murderous Alboino and reclaim his woman.


Rival Mongol chiefs battle for leadership of the tribe.


A Welsh pirate raids up and down the Caribbean, battling the Spanish, the English and other pirates.


A disgraced member of the Spanish Navy must redeem his family's honor after his father betrays his country to the French.


Unlike most Italian films of the 1940s, Augusto Genina's Cielo Sulla Palude opened in Venice rather than Rome. The film's American title was Heaven Over the Marshes, and indeed most of the story is set in the disease-ridden Pontine Marshes on the outskirts of Rome. This was the home of Maria Goretti, a pious young girl who was murdered by her would-be seducer. For reasons elucidated in the course of the film, Maria's short time on earth made her worthy of Sainthood, which was actually bestowed upon her shortly after the release of this film. Maria Goretti is well-played by Ines Orsini. Cielo Sulla Palude served as the comeback feature for director Augusto Genina, whose previous pro-fascist films had caused him to be blacklisted after WW II.
