Princess Donna

Public Sex, Private Lives is an intimate look at the professional and private lives of porn performers Lorelei Lee, Princess Donna, and Isis Love. Capturing moments of joy and struggle, this film follows the characters as they navigate their lives as artists, daughters, mothers, writers, and women who have made careers in the adult industry. Asked to defend their choices to their families, communities, and even the United States Government, these women share their unique motivations and shifting visions for the future.


Director Christina Voros and producer James Franco pull back the curtain on the fetish empire of, the Internet's largest producer of BDSM content. In a particularly obscure corner of an industry that operates largely out of public view,'s directors and models strive for authenticity. In an enterprise often known for exploitative practices, upholds an ironclad set of values to foster an environment that is safe, sane, and consensual.


Graphic Sexual Horror takes a peek behind the terrifying facade behind the most notorious of bondage websites, exploring the dark mind of its artistic creator and asking hard questions about personal responsibility. Interviews reveal deep fascinations with bondage and sadomasochism that run parallel, and in fact become irreversibly entwined with the lure of money.


The roaming ghost of punk-funk musician and notorious wild man Rick James possesses the bodies of queer women and makes them get super-freaky with one another.