Pupo De Luca

Professor Ludovico Bruschi is an elderly Communist whose desire is that of living in an orderly and socially just State. But disorder is just about to break into his life, first of all in the shape of his granddaughter Papere and then in that of Papere's mother Stella, his son's companion. The relationship between Oliviero, Bruschi's son, and Stella has come to an end perhaps because of the extreme youth of the two lovers. Now Professor Bruschi is obliged to come to terms with the gloomy, ignorant, offended Stella whose head is full of false and destructive ideals and who disturbs his way of living out daily life. The professor loses his patience and Stella leaves. He looks for her and finds her in hospital with a broken leg. The two of them begin to grow close and then, without realizing it, they come to love each other immensely. Stella's leg gets better and she goes off to look for new relationships...


Teresa is a young widow who is concentrated on her little business until she hires Gino.



Ninetto De Terenzi is a Roman who lives for the day, helping a lawyer in his intrigues and acting as a stunt double for a cheating engineer; he disapproves of the relationship his widowed mother has with a married man and is engaged to a good worker, whom she tries to betray.

A gang of young and ruthless bikers terrorizes the streets of Rome for no other reason than kicks and to kill their copious amounts of spare time. They purposelessly gang-rape random girls, beat up pedestrians, deal hard drugs, organize illegal street races, menace witnesses, murder city employees and commit violent heists even though they don't need any money as they're all the offspring of rich & eminent citizens. The tough police inspector De Gregori rapidly becomes very frustrated because each time he arrests the arrogant gang leader Stefano, his daddy's attorneys arrange a release warrant the exact same day. But when the gang's aggressions gradually become viler and De Gregori's own wife becomes the target of an assault, he decides to enforce the law slightly more drastic.


Michael, the son of a wealthy family, suffers from stuttering, and this leads him to be sent back to English and French. For the September exams, he will have to study all summer with Pamela, a sexy and beautiful teacher who will find a way to help him as he attempts to defend the particular attention of the other members of the family.


An impotent husband is inspired by the bull that he inherited from his father and finds the lost virility.


After a few years in a boarding school for nuns, young and provocative Monica returns to the village, eager to win as many children as possible. All men lose their heads for her. Later her sister, Sabina who runs a pharmacy arrives with her new husband and she can't manage to keep her hands off her new brother-in-law. It succeeds so well that it reduces the entire local soccer team to its knees.


An anarchist grandfather has custody of his nephew Free, but three aunts, two of which still handsome, they get the help of a priest and the police. So take possession of the child and cover it with lust


Sicilian baron, Mimì Galluzzo, will be able to enjoy the legacy of his deceased father-in-law on two conditions: that his wife accepts the will and that there is a compromising document to be delivered to the mafia. While, however, the precious "dossier" is, in reality, in the hands of an avid widow, Donna Maria, willing to sell it only if Mimi marries her. Rosalba, obsessed with the absence of a child, suddenly goes mad or pretends 'go crazy. Recommended by Donna Maria, of whom he became the lover Don Mimì tries, with the help of his friend Langatta, undertaker, and a nurse in the clinic in which Rosalba was hospitalized, to get rid of his wife. Instead, he finds himself without having reached his goal, involved in an obscure series of crimes that will make him lose his mind.


The story is about a youth named Massimo Monaldi, who, living in Rome, is a part-time college student who has some involvement in the protests that occur at his university. Massimo is also involved with drugs and he sometimes steals to make a living and support his habit (the theft of a tobacco box is very important to the story). Among his associates are his girlfriend, Cinzia, who comes from a wealthy family, and he has a wealthy male friend named Rudy who is very naive as well as strangely pampered by his overly-doting mother. Both families don't approve of their relationship with Massimo.


In this movie a writer comes to stay at an island resort and gets involved with a teenage lolita who is there with her parents and rather malicious best friend. She teases the older man mercilessly--going to a hotel and dancing with him naked and then suddenly getting dressed and running off to a party with a young American guy. But it's not so much because she is malicious, but because she is really an insecure virgin. Finally, he gives up on her after his beautiful wife (Barbara Bouchet) shows up. But the younger woman becomes jealous and is not going to give up so easily. . .


A corrupt businessman obtains a castle through surreptitious means. He has a series of affairs while his ill wife remains bed-ridden and after her death he marries one of his mistresses. But she was the daughter of the man from whom the castle was stolen and she has her own agenda...


This film has the typical air of Italian action/gangster comedies from that period - it is a perfectly charming and funny sort of comedy. The cliches of black and white are wonderfully maintained in this movie as the good guys are clever and witty and the bad ones are bad and pretty dumb. The "Shakespearian" dream of the "good" Mafioso a bit stupid but then a film like that seems in need of a few blunders.


Ottone and Savio, wanderers from Etruria, find themselves on the shores of Ancient Greece in search of bread and adventures. Pretending to be exhausted, they are rescued by Paris and Helen and taken to the palace of Menelaus. The welcome is propitious to take advantage of the lavish lunches and beautiful women, not even excluded Elena, wife of the sovereign who will be kidnapped by Paris and taken to Troy. When he reaches the palace of Ulysses, which recognizes the two vagabonds, they are driven out and, after other adventures, they reach the palace of Priam


Four women of Gubbio - Angelica, Violetta, Lisa and Bettina - are conducted before the court by their lovers and husbands.


In '500 a noble Tuscan gives a banquet in which they are told bawdy stories: a cardinal tells dirty stories during a banquet that turns into a purge; a marquise is induced into temptation by an abbot; a tintora has carnal relations with a brother, and the two have a son; prisoner of Charles V , Francis I of France has a relationship with two Spanish and get an acquittal advance by the Pope; a group of cardinals contain a prostitute during a council; the Marquis Cavalcanti, rejected by the bride, vents his cravings with a syphilitic prostitute.


A man and his assistant invent a powerful aphrodisiac they don't hesitate testing out on the beautiful female populace of their village.


Country bumpkin Maria Rosa becomes the new maid in a second-rate Roman hotel. A hole in the wall behind the mirror in her room turns her and a horny bellboy into voyeurs


By his dying father's last wish Joe is sent to the Wild West to become a real guy. The dreamy young man despises guns and fights likes poems and prefers bicycles to horses. Now his three teachers footpads all of them shall teach him otherwise. This doesn't work until Joe has to defend himself against gunman Morton who's jealous of Joe's love to rancher Ohlsen's beautiful daughter.


Senator Pupis feels a strong and uncontrollable urge to grab women's bottoms, a habit than can lead to embarrassment, especially if the woman in question is head of another state and the occasion a state visit. In his desperation Pupis turns to the clergy for spiritual and psychological help.


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Another Decamerotic comedy , this time with Orchidea de Santis ,Krista Nell and other nice girls.


Italian nunsploitation movie from 1972


During the early Italian Renaissance and the Black Death epidemic, a group of young men and women, seeking refuge in a secluded villa just outside the city of Florence, shares different stories of adultery and forbidden love.


Italian sex comedy version of Arabian Nights


Nino Manfredi is a police captain, giving an onlooker's point-of-view towards the decadent society folk. Party itself features a down & out baron, who dances with the party's glamorous hostess Virna Lisi so that he can steal her valuable earrings. When they're missing, she's angry enough to call in the cops (Manfredi shows up) and have the baron taken away.


A man is shot in an underground car-park by a mysterious bearded man. As he dies he recollects the events that led him to this situation, including adulterous liaisons and jealous envy.


A couple of two-bit thieving brothers try and keep a promise to their dying father: stick together and become successful outlaws. Bambino reluctantly agrees to show younger Trinity the ropes, but their gentle demeanors tend to diminish their haul by repeatedly helping the selfsame family they initially held up. Fun ensues in town and at the local Spanish mission where they are taken for federal agents, mistakenly so identified by Trinity's young love interest, daughter of the aforementioned family.


The film consists of twelve episodes, all with Monica Vitti as the protagonist.


A detective is assigned to head a manhunt for four violent bank robbers.


A petty hoodlum pulls jewellery store heists in broad daylight. The cop on his tail knows he has accomplices and focuses on the gangster's girl friend is his attempt to catch him.
