Pyotr Velyaminov

Denis Skvortsov, for whom football is not just a game, is seventeen years old, he is deeply in love, he is famous and respected among his peers, he is a leader. He has something to lose in a fight with a rich sponsor.

Ana starts falling in love with an ecologist engineer that comes with her father who is from Russia.


A fourth-grader is looking for her father with the help of a friend.

Arriving in Moscow in search of a better life, the naive provincial woman learns the predatory customs of the stone jungle of the big city. Accused by the metropolitan racket of stealing a family relic, she ends up in jail. According to the laws of the genre and “happy” chance, a virtuous lawyer meets her. The girl not only comes out of prison, but also seeks personal happiness.


The film depicts the events of 1964 when Nikita Khrushchyov was forcibly replaced by Leonid Brezhnev as a head of USSR.


Hiding from the police captain, a prostitute ends up in the room of a quiet, modest pianist from the United States who takes part in a competition in the resort town by the sea. The naive young man gets carried away by a pretty and cheerful girl. In turn, she finds great, sincere love.

Three heavily drunk friends break into the Zoo and kill a few deer...


A seemingly ordinary car accident turns out to be a murder investigation...


Operation "Resident", which lasted 15 years, is coming to an end. But the indestructible agent of "Nadezhda" has one important mission left. Agent Carl Brockmann, who intends to steal the work of Academician Nikolai Nesterov in the defense sector, has been abandoned in the USSR. KGB leadership asks Mikhail Tulyev to return to the Soviet Union to find the spy. Meanwhile, Brockmann recruits former fascist collaborator Mikhail Kutepov for involvement in a dangerous operation.


After returning from the USSR, Tulyev was subjected to rigorous verification of his former "owners". He continues his work in Western intelligence, but already as a Soviet intelligence officer through the First Main Directorate of the KGB of the USSR. In a new capacity, he establishes the whereabouts of Hitler’s criminal Hoffmann, who was once sentenced to death, and helps the authorities arrest him. However, as a result of the conflict within NATO intelligence, Charlie Brighton, Hoffman's assistant, begins to hunt for him. At the same time, Tulyev manages to establish the identity of the murderer of his father, Karl Brockmann, with whom they crossed in the service of mercenaries somewhere in hot countries. He wants revenge, but, by an evil irony of fate, he must help prepare Brockmann for being cast as a spy in the Soviet Union.


The Red Army squadron is trying to escape from the enemy while carrying a huge load of rare furs to be sold abroad.


In the XIth century Kievan Rus' reached its zenith under the reign of Yaroslav. He established enduring ties with many of the ruling European dynasties, strengthened the borders of Rus' and tried to free it from the influence of the Byzantine Empire. Since 988 the church of Rus' had been autonomous, apart from the right of Constantinople to appoint the Metropolitan.


A story about young football player Viktor Kruglov who is transferred from a small team to the on of the best teams in the country.


Уж пятый десяток пошел герою картины, а он все еще продолжает искать свое место в жизни и этой самой жизни смысл. Перепробовав с десяток профессий, работает сантехником — и считает, что тоже временно. Жена в сердцах называет его «отставной козы барабанщиком».Горожанин Гаврюшко Чупрун после очередной ссоры с женой решил начать "новую" жизнь. Взяв у соседа форму и выдав себя за капитана дальнего плавания, уехал в село, где родился и вырос. Но очень скоро истина стала для всех очевидной - и приехавшей жене пришлось спасать Гаврилу от позора.


В одном из московских переулков милиция обнаружила пострадавшую женщину с травмой головы. Галина Укладова, приехавшая из Магадана, утверждает, что на неё совершил разбойное нападение таксист и отнял у неё крупную сумму денег и документы. Таксиста Воронова, который уже отбывал срок за хулиганство, удалось задержать. Укладова на очной ставке опознаёт в нём нападавшего. Всё свидетельствует о вине Воронова. Однако опытный следователь Митин чувствует, что за рутинным бытовым преступлением кроется нечто большее.


A Soviet cargo ship carrying medical opium gets attacked by pirates of an unknown nationality. The crew is left to die on a sinking ship but they manage to escape and now must fight the pirates for survival.


The Great Russian scientist, famous politician and poet M.Lomonosov is severely ill. Understanding that there is not much time left for him to live, he decides to visit his beloved small native town. Taking a coach, he heads for the motherland of his ancestors. A shaky road raises thoughts and reminiscences about his days of youth, about the time when he was young and unknown, how he made first steps on his long way of the truth comprehension. He recollects early death and funeral of his mother, the repeated, and not very successful marriage of his father, hatred of stepmother, care of godfather, who gave him the books of Peter the Great, wandering monk, who taught him the fundamentals of science, Latin, and, of course, his first love.


In the third movie colonel Zorin is investigating two murders.


Film by Veiczi.


Making another operation, Professor Krymov did not even guess what place this patient would occupy in his life. After some time, they will meet by chance in Yalta and realize that they are very necessary to each other. Only their attitude to love is completely different ...


A story about life and love of a young girl Anna who moves from her village to a big city.


A young and ambitious engineer comes into conflict with old-fashioned structures that don't acknowledge his honesty.


Soviet intelligence spouses — Lyudmila ("Lyre") and Fyodor ("Starling") Grekov at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War are tasked with settling in Germany. Personnel intelligence officers with vast experience are successfully introduced into German society and begin to work actively. At the end of the war, during the bombing of Berlin, fate separates them, but then they will meet in the new Germany and continue their work.


A saga about the life of the Siberian Savelyev family during the period 1902 through the 1960s as they survive through three wars, a revolution, and Soviet government approval.


A heroic drama about a submarine sailors of Russian Northern Fleet during the WWII.


В тесном кубрике катера, капитаном которого давно ходит Иван Бурлаков и где матросом работает Еленка, вовсе не в шутку называемая им женой, появляется новый работник - помощник капитана Сергей. Внешне энергичный и открытый, он быстро добивается любви Еленки. И также быстро - увольнения Ивана...


A criminal story about how a KGB investigator tries to rehabilitate an innocent-convicted Red Army soldier and when she manages to prove his innocence - the power in the country changes and it is removed from further investigation.