Pyotr Yurchenkov

Fifteen-year-old Marina is given a terrible diagnosis - leukemia. Parents are shocked and they decide that only abroad can heal their child. But the oncologist Olga Nikolaevna convinces them that the girl cannot be taken away, but must be treated here, at home. In addition to everything, Marina has a rare blood group, which doctors do not have reserves of. The girl’s mother also cannot become a donor - she is expecting a second child, and an operation must be urgently needed ...


The action takes place at the beginning of the 16th century. The rich Belarusian lands that are part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, located at the intersection of trade routes, are attacked by Tatars. With rapid raids, the Crimean cavalry reaches all Belarusian cities without exception. The conquerors stormed the fortress, robbed, stole the population into slavery, leaving behind ashes. On the way, the troops of the Crimean Tatars, among the few who have not yet been defeated, stand up to the brave squad and brave residents of the city of Slutsk, whose defense after the death of the husband of Prince Semyon Olelkovich was led by Princess Anastasia Slutskaya.


A story about two homeless teenagers who have a dream - to visit a beautiful White Lake.


Baku, Year 1920. Secret agent of the Emergency Commission Engineer Mammad Rustamov is sent to Berlin with a special assignment. On the pretext of treating his son's illness, Mammad is endangering his life and people around him.


A girl named Venya Ryzhik, living in an orphanage after parents abandoned her as an infant, creates "The test tube babies' league" with her orphan peers, declaring their refusal to find the foster family and protesting the apathy of their neglectful parents

A twelve year old decides to make his father better person after hearing bad things about him.


A sequel to the well-known story about a Little Red Riding Hood (Krasnaya Shapochka). This time, a family of a slain wolf decides to avenge his death. So they falsely inform Little Red Riding Hood that her grandma is sick and prepare to eat her on her way.
