Pyotr Zaychenko

Siberia. Late autumn. In taiga, in the deserted village there lives an old man Ivan & his seven-year-old grandson Leshia. A pack of feral dogs devours everything alive in the neighborhood. One of these dogs is Leshia's best friend. Sometimes their relative uncle Yuri brings food to them. Once on his way back from Ivan's village uncle Yuri is attacked by dogs & perishes. Ivan & Leshia stay without supply. Once Leshia witnesses Ivan shooting at 'his' dog & runs away. The old Man finds him in a dry well, but he fails to get him out on his own. Ivan sets out through taiga in search of help. Now the dogs are hunting him... And the boy is waiting for his father...


Big home of Shamanov family has everything - except love and understanding under the roof...


Comedy drama about two friends who steal a car of coal and want to sell it, for which they carry coal on an old steam locomotive on an abandoned railway. Despite the fact of the crime, his goals seem to be good: one of the thieves is a school principal who wants to make repairs in the classrooms and buy computers, and the second is a driver who went on an adventure with his son, in the hope that the seven — year-old Bear will talk. They had to take the driver with them — an old one, like the engine itself. The railway, which has not been used for many years, becomes for this eccentric company a path from the past to a bright, possibly future.


A drama about a life of ordinary people in a small mining town.


"Free Floating" is a melodrama with elements of comedy about a young lad from an ordinary provincial town like many in Russia, with just one kindergarten, one school, one factory. As a result, one grows up here never facing the alternative as to what to choose, for everything is preordained. Leonid is an ordinary lad who, like his peers, goes to discos, dances with girls and picks fights with the local riff-raff later. Everything is going well for him, as his life is totally predictable. But one day the factory closes down and he becomes disoriented. For the first time ever, he is to make a choice on his own and think seriously about what he would like to do...


Petr, a recently discharged officer, arrives in a tiny mining town in the remote Siberian taiga to hunt for gold. When he finds it, the other prospectors cannot forgive his luck.


At the end of the 70s, a boy Mishka, abandoned by his mother and stepfather, lives in a provincial Soviet town. Curious, bold and angry. With his bluntness and fearless naivete, he conquers the local gangster John, and with the help of his patron begins to act in local taverns, finally leaving a dysfunctional family.


The end of the XVIII century. The reign of Catherine II. In the deep Russian provinces, among the vast steppes of the Ural escaped convict Yemelyan Pugachev proclaimed himself Emperor Peter III of Russia. Under the banner of the Pretender embarked detachments of Cossacks, fugitive serfs, and many spirited people. In these troubled times in the God-forsaken Belogorsk young officer Pyotr Grinyov meets his first love - Masha, the daughter of Captain Mironov. Recklessly passionate love with each other did not want to notice the signs of impending trouble. They did not know that soon they will be an ordeal. They could not imagine how bizarre way their fates intertwined with the fate of the self-proclaimed king, and what an incredible effort will be worth it to save their lives and feelings in the bloody chaos of Russian riot.


A film director Nikolai Khudokormov is on the brink of his 50th anniversary. He has the whole life rich in events under his belt: creative quests, several marriages and children. Now he has to live with an old insane Mother and seems to be indifferent to what is going on around. But at the same time he is obsessed by the idea to make a film which will be his best one. Nikolai makes every effort to raise the money for this project. And all the time he is followed by a mysterious stranger. She is a beautiful young creature who speaks to him about the vanity of the world and the meaningless of a human life. Finally, Nikolai realizes that he is speaking to the Death herself.


The rat lives in a cage that stands in the room of a large communal apartment in which the poet lives. The apartment is in the house; House - in the yard-well; The courtyard is in the city; And in the courtyard - 1939 ...In the film there are many newsreel frames of those times, the sound series contains both popular and propagandist songs, both Soviet and German. The plot is divided into many unrelated episodes, which are colorized in different colors. The author claims that everything shown should be understood outside of symbolism: everything in the film means only itself.


At the filming movie about the crusaders, in Turkey, with one of the stunts died in accident. Death of a stuntman was rigged by criminals, who smuggled a large shipment of drugs in the coffin. Producer Anton is killed, money stolen...


A Russian soldier who spent ten years in captivity in Afghanistan, returns to his home village and shocks all its inhabitants because of his conversion to Islam. During his absence, his father hanged himself, his brother served a prison term and his former fiancée has become a woman of very low morals. The village is the scene of endless drinking while the local boss is selling off the land for dollars to new-rich Russians. Our hero turns out as the only sober and hard-working member of the community. However, his attachment to his new faith soon provokes the hatred and rejection of everyone else, including his own family.


Franz Maurer, a compromised cop, former officer of the criminal department of the Warsaw's police, is released from prison where he was doing time for his brutality and murders. He is awaited by the New, his fellow-policeman. Franz tries to go straight starting hard work in a steel mill. Nevertheless, he must leave the factory as a criminal with an uncertain past when he doesn't join the strike organized by the workers' union. At the same time, a merciless war continues in former Yugoslavia. Wolf and William, two high rank officers, come to Poland in order to organize a network selling and smuggling arms to Yugoslavia by way of Albania.


Two men are searching for a woman between the shipwrecking accident victims.


Ivan is old Russia: thick, dour, hard-working, often brutish; he misses Communism. He drives a taxi and one night meets Alexi, a new Russian, a musician, an alcoholic, irresponsible. Alexi stiffs Ivan for the fare, so Ivan tracks him down and a love-hate relationship ensues. When Alexi lets the bath water run over in Ivan's flat and Ivan must pay 500 rubles for repairs, he tries to force Alexi into day labor to repay him. It's hopeless. Then, suddenly, Alexi is discovered, goes on a jazz tour of America, becomes a celebrity, and returns in triumph. Ivan longs to renew the friendship, and it looks as if he may get what he wants.


1932. Ural, city of Krasnouralsk. The power plant has been sabotaged. The turbine is out of order. Having put the guards to sleep, someone poured sand into the turbine oil. In Moscow, the leadership of the OGPU received a secret cipher. From it it becomes known about the conspiracy of German intelligence against the USSR. Its main purpose — subversive actions in Soviet power plants. Special attention is paid to the Urals and the Dnieper under construction. Diversion in Krasnosilske — link in this chain. In Krasnotalsk sent a special agent of the OGPU Viktor Sergeevich Lartsev.

A rare astronomical phenomenon — the parade of planets — has a strange effect on several men. The heroes of the film — an astrophysicist, locksmith, salesman, architect, loader, trolley bus driver — are called up for military training, which ends ahead of time. There is a strange pause in their life — no one knows where they are, no one is waiting for them, and they themselves can not rush anywhere. This short respite in a hasty and busy life gives the heroes the opportunity to experience strong and very important feelings for them.
