Qi Feng

Four Chefs and a Feast is a drama starring Jordan Chan

A young woman lawyer, Xiao Qi work on an ordinary divorce case, but this one is more complex than imagined. In order to uphold justice and safeguard human rights, She re-investigate of the case. And found that it could be link to Something more sinister.

The biography of famous Chinese geologist Li Siguang.

In pre-revolutionary China, two young girls, Chunhua and Yuehong Xing, rise through the ranks of Chinese opera, but with their artistic success comes a new series of personal and social challenges. After they're sold to a Shanghai opera and the revolution dawns, Yuehong radicalizes and devotes her career to politically progressive performances, while Chunhua flees to avoid turmoil. As the world changes around them, they fight to maintain their friendship.


This movie is based on the true story, which happened in Shan-Dong Province of China during World War II. It is based on a collection of memoirs of the guerrilla members. Due to the fact that it happened during World War II and there was not much secrets, this movie is that it was more realistic than other movies in that many real names were used, and the actual site was not changed either like other war movies of the time. The drawback of the movie was that in the latter stage of World War II, the guerrilla force was developed into an impressive 400 plus members from its original beginning of 3, and it launched many major offensives against the enemy, but this part was not shown. The movie only concentrated on the time there were only several dozen members.


Soldiers stay in Hainan Island and fight Japanese invaders in harsh conditions.
