Rafael Baledón

Carlos has spent four years in prison for selling drugs. When he's released he finds out his brother has become a drug addict and is locked in a psychiatric hospital. Carlos starts working to cure his brother when he befriends a street kid and falls for social worker Elena.


Based on the Émile Zola same name novel. The life of Nana, a French prostitute of the 19th century. The film includes numerous musical acts performed by Irma Serrano.


Semi-employed street musician butts heads with his wife and grown(ish) children because of his irresponsible lifestyle. Then he lucks into a cushy government job.


Venezuelan boy band flies to Acapulco for a week of performances. Two of them compete for the attentions of a slightly older girl and one is chased by a very clingy plain girl who is treated as a figure of fun. And then some stuff happens and stuff.


Reporter investigating an actress' death gains an overview of her whole biography.


Mexican feature film

Political intrigue drama which aired dimly, some of the most common vices Latin American government systems, at least hypothetically and not still be scenarios. Its characters have the dictator whose intentions are to inherit the power to his son, little interest in the issue. In a moment in which he is forced to decide who will succeed him, other characters see the opportunity to replace him in the supreme command of this country without a name.


A man without identity/citizenship papers is stuck in the no-man's-land between two countries.


A mid-level government bureaucrat is forced to think hard about his ideas on governmental corruption and his own integrity.


Frontier boy orphaned after a military actiion,, escapes with his horse into Mexico and has adventures.


A man named Tony is captured riding the horse of Lee Corey, a missing delivery man for a local mining company. Tony claims to have bought the horse from two men, but the sheriff believes he has murdered Corey and stolen the horse. Tony is sent to the gallows, but escapes hanging with the help of Corey's mistress and sets out to find the real killer.


After five years in prison the protagonist of the story, Emiliano Trejo, seek to know the truth of his imprisonment, in his wake you will find a "compadre" and a widow with a daughter who were victims of a strange gunman who uses an expansive weapon . Also to his friend and his former love who is married to him.


In the Old West, a gunfighter punishes the wrongdoers making justice himself, but his mother's words continue to fill his mind: "Justice is divine". Nonetheless, he goes on hanging the culprits, becoming quite famous. When a bunch of outlaws lead by a crooked landlord treats an innocent village and a beautiful girl, the time for the avenger's final mission is arrived.


Controlling father stifles adult son's career plans, interferes with his love life...

Two sworn enemies must put aside their differences and join forces to catch a gang of thieves led by a woman called "The Yara". They must fight to save their village from the bandits and do everything necessary to prevent The Yara from controlling their destinies.


Gordolfo, a self-stylized ladies man, and his doting mother (Naborita) help out a childhood friend claim an inheritance by beating the feared wrestler Tulipan Jones.


The rich entomologist René gets along with a group of young rebels. He is accepted for his money and with him they organize parties. He takes advantage of their ideas to seduce several young people, provoking the jealousy of their friends. One day he proposes a game in which each one must detach from the most valuable thing he has.


Sex and middle class are the main topics in "La verdadera vocación de Magdalena". Hermosillo shows marriage as a matter of interests (economical and social) in the modern society. emphasizing the education, lose of tradition and customs in the gap generation of sixties youth and its parents. Angelica María, plays the best character in his career, being a kind and vulnerable girl raised in a hard moral education


Gigolo and his girlfriend scam off married women; he seduces them, she photographs them in bed together and blackmails them afterwards. Things eventually go south.


Teenaged girl isn't emotionally mature enough for marriage, but she gets hitched anyway.


Mexican feature film


Know what this is about?


Anthology film: three "sophisticated" rom-com scenarios.


In a neighborhood of Mexico City, inhabit different characters. From a hardened general, suffering from delusions of persecution, to a recruit; two brothers dedicated to teaching music; two treasure hunters restless, and a friendly concierge who lives with her son, the popular Gordolfo Gelatino.


A woman hires four gunmen, Trinidad, Doc, Satan and The Renegade to rob a bank, but things don't work out as planned.


Two young adults, brother and sister, discover that both were adopted, and they start to develop grown-up feelings toward each other. Is this the worst, most perverse thing to ever happen? Opinions differ.


After accidentally hitting a boy with her car, a young woman pretends to be a nurse in order secretly help him to recover.


Based on the novel by Caridad Bravo Adams.


A motley crew of seven outlaws are pressed into service to defend a town from marauding Apaches, then two of them are appointed co-Sheriffs. Also some stuff about hunting for a lost treasure.

Spy spoof -- bad guys are looking for a stockpile of some element crucial for construction of space-ships.


Psycho-killer in the bosom of the family. One dark and stormy night...


Four martial-artsy crime-fightin' gals and their comic sidekick, under the leadership of a middle-aged guy in a business suit, defeat some bad people who are doing bad stuff.


Counter-espionage ring of beautiful young women protects atomic secrets from the bad guys.


Mexican feature film

The funny story of a man who loses his memory in an accident and can not remember who was married to another woman, then meets another woman he marries and starts another life and lives alternately with a family 15 days and 15 days with the another arguing that their travel is for work in the Crown Brewery, which is in Veracruz where he lives with one family and one in Mexico.


Wandering cowboy stops to help a widow out against the man who killed her husband.


Western comedy - sheriff faces bad guys.


A wealthy, young Mexican woman is under a werewolf's curse.


Two fake fortune-tellers at a carnival accidentally conjure up some real ghosts.


College professor has mid-life crisis, gets mixed up with prostitutes and gangsters.


Woman swears to avenge her brother's murder.. Then she falls in love with the murderer, before discovering that he's the one.


Man tracks down the five people responsible for killing his father. Semi-sorta sequel to Juan Sin Miedo (1964).


After her child dies in an accident, a woman's marriage collapses and she goes into a convent.


A shady character takes over as owner/manager of a nightclub, conflicts evolve.


Buddy movie about aviators.


Crushed-out octogenarian makes a pact with the devil so he can make time with his sixteen-year-old sweetie.


Amateur boxer gets sucked into the professional circuit while his girlfriend seeks stardom as a singer.


Dying woman refuses to surrender to her unnamed movie disease until she can help her children through the big, big problems each one is facing.


Country-boy migrates to the big city to work as a taxi-driver.


The movie theme is the migration of Mexicans to the United States in search of the "American dream". Piporro crosses the Rio Grande swimming illegally, and lives a series of events that lead him from walking away from the police to winning the award for "Bracero of the Year" for his work in the harvest. Prize that he will lose before returning to Mexico just as he had gone: no money in the bag.


A mysterious killer abducts girls off the street and covers them in wax.


Frustrated salaryman responds to career setbacks by embarking on a life of crime.


Claimed by his grandmother, who lives in a Mexican village, Joselito begins the journey from Spain. Once there, while traveling in a stagecoach, is assaulted by bandits. Joselito manages to escape and, walking aimlessly, he meets Antoine, a rider who is ex officio of random player, and become close friends.


A young woman inherits a mansion, only to discover that it is haunted by witches and evil spirits.


A family of six children are orphaned on Christmas Eve and struggle through a year without parental support.


Three party-animal cowboys are hired by a dying man to bring his daughter to meet him.

Card-shark takes a job as bodyguard-bouncer-etcetera in an upscale casino. Meanhile, a love triangle and the Mexican Revolution.

Newlywed couple wait for their first baby, but the mother/in-law gets pregnant first.

Three good guys vs a bad dude who sells weapons to the Apaches and provokes a range war between US Cavalry and a splinter group of tribesmen, breaking the standing treaty between their tribe and the invaders. Sequel to Los Hermanos Diablo.

A mad scientist creates a remote-controlled monster and sends it to terrorize the city.


Bad-hats operating a mine kidnap men from neighboring towns to work as slave labor. Cowboy hero puts a stop to all that mess.


Cowboy comedy turns serious and adventure-y in the middle. Sequel to Los hermanos diablo.

Venezuelan guy and Mexican rancher get competitive toward each other -- mostly over "the girl".


The three Diablo brothers are effete dandies who love chamber music and afternoon tea... but they also love brawling and whoring and all that wild west stuff. They inherit a ranch, and all hell breaks loose when they go to take ownership of it.


X has to postpone his marriage for 3 months in order to collect a huge inheritance... so he hires Y to keep his fiancee and her father busy during the hiatus.


A failed pianist sells his soul to the devil in return for his becoming the greatest musician in the world. The catch: every time he plays he turns into a horrible monster.


Two young women 'forced' to masquerade as soldiers in military troop.


Three criminals break out of jail and head for a town where they've hidden their steals.


The marriage of a husb-and-wife singing duo hits the rock, brother-in-law tries to restore family harmony.


Romcom with music: owner of an auto-repair shop woos the owner of a beauty parlor.

Gangsters kidnap the writer of a crime-drama radio program to plot their heists for them.


A bizarre Mexican film in which a Zorro confronts horror creatures. It is part of a series characterised by hybrid elements of this kind.


Masked avenger has three 24-minute adventures.

Wealthy land-owner poses as a bandit, robbing only his own properties, to get the romantic attention of a woman who lives down the road.


Masked Rider adventure-hero.

Witch retrieves the corpse of a hanged criminal and brings it back to life as an unstoppable killing machine.


The rowdiest guy in each of three states hears rumors about the badassness of the other two and they all set out to meet each other. Comical complications.


Romantic triangle. One of the guys is a very bad man.

Masked hero on horseback. One in a series.


Pedro, a wealthy Mexican landowner, is convinced he can get everything he wants with money and arrogance.


Blowhard's mouth runs away with him and he's trapped into having to prove that he knows Maria Antonieta Pons, the big movie star and stuff.


Sequel to El Tesoro De Pancho Villa; masked wrestler battles gangsters trying to take control of five clues to the location of a hidden treasure.


A disappearing body leads a detective and his sidekick into an encounter with a gill man.


Villa's troops contend with some rival factions trying to gain control of a misplaced treasure trove.


Bad hats try to conduct a land-grab when it's announced that a dam's going to be built.


Nightclub singer has to choose between marrying again or reuniting with her divorced husband.


Homeless guy is selected for game show/reality show where's he's allowed to live for awhile like a rich person.


Police procedural: some detail pertaining to a murder case is nagging at the back of a detective's mind "like having a stone in his shoe." Once he teases it to the surface, he solves the case.


The romantic entanglements of three singers: two boys and a girl who fail in a radio contest and formed a trio.


Masked wrestler vs. gothic criminal gang. Third or fourth in a series.


Adult street urchin passes himself off as rich man's long-lost son.


Pastora de los Reyes is a beautiful Spanish that goes to Mexico with a contract to film a movie. The main actors will receive her at the airport, among them is Paul, a little-known mariachi that has been chosen to become a new idol. Automatically, both had bad relations and during filming many discussions happens. This arguments gives way to a deep love.


Slapstick/musical comedy parody of historical dramas, send-up of "Locura de amor," about Queen Juana 'la loca' of Spain.


A woman in an unhappy marriage trades places with her grandmother's ghost; Grandma whupps the girl's husband into line AND proves to her own husband that she was innocent of the infidelity that he was suspecting when she died, fifty years earlier.


Due to confusion, Rafael is believed responsible for the death of Teresa. His wife Lilia and his brother looking for the real culprits.


Dr. Castellanos is saved from bankruptcy.


Spoofy south-sea adventure, mostly about the hot babes.


Frenetic rom-com about doctors overwhelmed with amorous female patients.


Irresponsible playboy-type needs to cut down on his nightclubbing and his expensive women-friends and buckle down to his Uni studies. Meanwhile, his godfather...


Attracted by Armando, Rosa, comes to him in love. Armando travels to Paris and his return contract an advantageous marriage to Margaret. Rosa gets pregnant and is fired from her job. He goes to work as a dancer in a theater, where he acquired fame under the name Alma Rosa. Meanwhile, Armando's marriage is not going well. One night cabaret where acts Alma Rosa and then become lovers.


Newspaper reporter interests himself in contesting a manslaughter verdict on behalf of the son of a woman who saves his life.


Bad guy who runs a ritzy nightclub is trying to keep his younger brother out of the gutter and get him into a professional career. Unknowingly, he takes up with his brother's fiancee. Also other complications.


A Cuban rumbera dancer undergoes an ordeal to fall in love with a married Mexican doctor.

A series of misadventures leaves a city slicker trapped into a shotgun marriage with a country gal. Back home in Mexico City, he tries to scam his way out of his marriage and set things right with his previous fiance...


Did Rodolfo just marry a serial murderess?


Two gangsters on the lam end up in Cuba.


Door-to-door salesman falls for a young woman, implements hare-brained schemes to separate her from her fiance.


Uni professor is voted "Hunkiest teacher of the year." Madcap complications.


Shipboard romance/comedy between a female executive and a guy with a lot of buttons on his tunic.

Three sisters discover that the men in their lives are philandering trash and band together to build new lives for themselves instead of continuing to enable their unworthy partners.

A man's on trial for murder; a friend who could prove his innocence chooses not to come forward. An interested detective starts working to discover the how-come of all of that.

Two travelers visiting a small town link up together and then run afoul of the gossip of church ladies.


Two adventurers visit a small coastal village in 1850 in hopes of getting access to a shipwreck that took place 100 years earlier. Also, local girlfriends.


Young couple weather a marital crisis while older people who have already given up on life interfere from the sidelines.


Before marrying María Eugenia, landowner Carlos are away to visit her godmother to break the promise to marry his daughter. The godmother is dying, Carlos quiets and everything takes an unexpected course.


A mother stands by helplessly while a scandal involving marital infidelity, blackmail and murder takes shape around her daughter.


Adaptation of Dumas' swashbuckler classic.


There's a lot of confusion about who Alejandra's parents are, and until those questions are resolved, she may not be able to get married.


Every passenger boarding The Express has a story.


A 1940 film directed by Alejandro Galindo.


At birth, three children are abandoned in a convent. They are Polito Sol and his siblings, Adriana and Carmelo Águila and they grow up to become the "Águila o Sol" trio. Many years later, Don Hipólito, Polito's father becomes rich and decides to search for his son. In the end he finds Polito and the Aguila siblings.
