Rafael Bardem

After a few years, Víctor Morel comes back to the city. He has been a happy and Bohemian man who spent an authentic fortune. His first meeting with the past is with Laura, an extraordinary woman with he had intense relationships. She is now married with Daniel Romero, a man dedicated to the business that, precisely in the last days, has had a money problem. Due to this matter, Daniel will have to ask Víctor for help because it knows that he can extract it of the difficulty, in spite of the fact that he does not have any sharm.


The star of a magazine company suffers an appendicitis attack during a shift and has to stay in a small Spanish town to be operated. But the doctor who takes care of his speech falls in love for her and tries to prolong their convalescence.


The mysterious death of a man who is about to leave a small town in Kansas with his girlfriend triggers a chain of unfortunate events that will only end when another man completes a relentless and bloody revenge.


A young woman working as a maid for a big time stage performer is mistaken for the star in Buenos Aires and becomes a great success in the land of the tango.


Biopic about Miguel Báez "El Litri", a descendant of two generations of bullfighters: his older brother touched the glory before he died at twenty years after being gored and complicated by gangrene. His father begged everyone until the last minute that they keep him away from the arena, but "El Litri" knew since childhood that his destiny was to succeed in the world of the bulls


After the death of Queen Mercedes, Alfonso XII's first wife, the problem of the succession is raised. The monarchy needs a heir and the King choses María Cristina from Habsburd to be the futur spanish queen. But Mercedes memories will be against the marriage and the long-awaited son will born when Alfonso is already dead.


Life events around a city street and its residents are told along the years while time goes by, wars break out and end and life evolves.


Alfonso de Borbón and his cousin María de las Mercedes de Orleans fall in love and, although both families do not maintain good relationships, young people marry when Alfonso became king of Spain.


John Lucero, who was born poor, became the richest of the region, his great love for horses was what led him to make this fortune. His fame transcended even beyond the borders of Spain.

The story of doctor Santiago Ramón y Cajal, who adapting Golgi's silver staining method enabled the visualization of the real structure of the central nervous system, based on individual cells, the neurons. For which both were bestowed the Nobel prize in 1906.


As he shows a considerably higher interest in night life and vaudeville chorus girls than in textbooks, Gerardo Roquer is sent by his father from Madrid to the University of Santiago de Compostela, with the purpose of having him center in studying. There, Gerardo ends living in the "Casa de la Troya" boarding house, where he makes good friends in other students, and falls in love with the beautiful Carmiña Castro. But this love is not approved by her uncle and aunt, who prefer the foppish Octavio (with whom they have a debt) for her.


Mercedes Pavón, a famous singer of cuplés is harassed by three men totaly different.


Cimera de los Infantes, Castile, Spain. The young men who meet every day in the bar La Rana Verde are bored because they barely have fun, so they decide to seduce the girls who attend a summer course in the historic castle of the town.


The fake private detective Mike Spillone is hired by two old ladies to find out if Brigitte, the wife of their nephew Otello Bellomo, has a lover. Brigitte is a physician but the two aunts are unaware of the fact. While investigating, Mike and his assistant Johnny discover Brigitte with a prospective patient, the marquis De Vitti who was shot by the husband of the woman he tried to seduce. Afterwards Spillone finds her with her husband who he believes to be her lover.


César Neira, an almost forgotten actor, gets involved by chance with Teresa, a teacher from a small village in Cáceres who has won a radio contest. The prize is a trip to Madrid to experience just for a fortnight the life of the famous and wealthy people…


A gang of robbers enters a house, hosting a party with intent to commit a robbery. But the leader of the gang met the daughter of the house ... and falls for her. Free version of the play of Henry Jardiel Poncela.


The coyote will act to help landowners to keep the land that the Captain of the US Army wants to seize from them.


Jacinto, a former bullfighter who lives miserably with his nephew Pepote, receives a letter reminding he, as agreed a few days before, he should go to a bullfight to be held that evening at Las Ventas. The letter infuriates Jacinto who thinks this is a joke, since he retired from the arena for years, has not signed any contract. When Jacinto is located around the square, picking up cigarette butts that pull the audience, make sure the letter was not a joke, because his name appears on the poster.


Film based on the popular romance of the 'Molinero de Arcos'.


California, 1848. An invading army has defeated the few opposing forces and the territory has become part of the United States. Don César de Echagüe, an old gentleman, begs his son César to return from Europe, confident that he will know how to confront the oppressor…


Soledad enters a women reformatory led by modest nuns who look constantly for the welfare of their girls. These include the Sister Consolación, a humorous and cheerful nun who uses a little disconcerting methods to teach but very useful for the girls, to try to forget their past and prepare for a better future. Soledad takes confidence quickly and said she hopes a son of Fernando, a womanizing Andalusian young gentleman very attractive, which coincidentally, the Sister knows.


A serene mind a person is in a coffee some of their experiences: the story of a poet who gives shelter, a nun who takes off to find a drug habits in the black market, and his own witness of a robbery and as a lover.


Following meetings between Spain and the United States a delegation of a mining company arrives to Granada in search of uranium. The company contacted with the landowners, who agree to sell less of them. Such owner refuses because his ground a treasure supposedly hidden Muslim and refuses to sell them to Margaret, representative of the company. When he refused, Margaret convinces the owner to locate the treasure on your own and sell it in case you find it ... but love gets in his plans.


The story of Judas's betrayal of Christ.


Juan and Carmen are a humble couple living in Madrid. She does the housework and he works as an electrician in a film studio. Their dreams of wellness come true when they win a contest sponsored by a soap brand…


Divided in several episodes, this film presents different stories that share the fantasy theme.

The story of the 1917 miracle of Fatima, in which the Virgin Mary appeared to three children--two girls and one boy..


A young musician and dreamy, called "Ernesto", is forced to live in Madrid to die his father, in the house of executor of the testament, "don Julio Villamil", who is married to actress Teresa Labisbal, of which "Ernesto Acedo" was enamored platonic. Although the conduct of the young is flawless, a third person causes slander which oblige "don Julio" to fight in mourning to death.


A woman who works as employee in a fashion store has to care for her ill mother. At the same time she falls in love with a bohemian man.


Blanquita, a very superstitious Cuban young woman, visits a fortune teller on the eve of her wedding to Roberto. She predicts that her first husband is destined to die, as well as would not make her happy. Believing this and according to her uncle, Blanquita starts looking for a man about to die, with the intention to marry him, then become widower and take Roberto as her second husband, thus freeing him from the curse.


A woman who has walked out of an unhappy marriage is unsuccessful trying to earn herself a new living and gets mixed with a man who is a murderer and tries to incriminate her.


A woman is told his military husband is considered dead, the truth is he has been transferred to the secret service. When he returns to Spain and they get reunited he ends killing a German spy, and then she gets prosecuted.


Elena and Marcos live in a guesthouse. Their serious financial difficulties force them to resort to the help of Mrs. Jarque, an aunt of Elena who humiliates Marcos constantly. Marcos dreams that he kills Mrs. Jarque, and she appears dead.

The Spanish missionary reaches Kattinga Santiago Hernandez, India, to succeed Father Daniel, seriously ill and died several days later. Sandem, dealer and usurer lends money to the Indians, who are forced to work as slaves in a mine when they can not pay their debts. To end this situation, Father James is responsible for the debts of the whole tribe. But when due on promissory note signed, Sandem demands money. In these circumstances, begin to reach the Indian village suffering from plague.


Mérida Nueva, Spain, late 19th century. Judge Javier Zarco finds in a cemetery a skull pierced by a nail and suspects that a murder has been committed. When he investigates the case in depth, his suspicions fall on the woman who was going to marry the deceased.


In-laws and relatives begin to settle in the house of two newlyweds. Even though their intention is to contribute to marital peace, they actually complicate their lives.


Clara, determined to earn her living and be valued for herself, leaves his rich father's home, changes her name and takes a room. While copying paintings at El Prado Museum, she meets Juan, who is also hiding his identity, pursued under charge of murder.
