Rafael García Travesí

Unsympathetic portrait of a man who's too macho to display his feelings.


A group of workers crossing the river is ambushed by rogue INS agents who intend to kill them all and plant drug on the corpse as evidence of cartel activity. One escapes, and he commits himself to helping a District Attorney collect evidence on the politicians and industrialists those agents work for.


Monte law begins as a love story in September in the Mexican Revolution years. To seal their oath to love a boy and girl names recorded on a stalk. Years pass and go their separate ways, but one day the man returns to the same place where the tree meets girl turned woman and resume their love, but soon has to leave again because he has to return to the revolution


Boy is traumatized from watching his sex-worker mother with her clients; he grows up with a particular grudge against that one guy that used to come to see her...


Young wrestler runs afoul of gambling-syndicate Mafiosi; his twin brother and two friends meet at his funeral and decide to avenge his murder (which they don't even start doing until the sequel).


Twin brother of murdered pro-wrestler goes after the killerses.

Satan, a wrestler who sold his soul to the Lord of Darkness for fame but was thwarted by Santo's ancestor, who is now rising after a hundred years with his army of mummies to take revenge.


Blue Demon and pals square off against the Black Hand's army of super powered midgets. Five luchadores (Blue Demon, Mil Mascaras, El Medico Asesino, La Sombra Vengadora, Tinieblas plus Black Shadow) face off against a mad scientist and his army of powerful wrestling midgets.


Alicia, the wife of the vengeful Gabino Barrera, is killed by an escaped convict. Stripped of the one woman he's ever loved, Gabino vows to make the killer pay and pursues him. As he gets closer to his prey, Gabino turns deadlier.

A Nazi scientist using the lost city of Atlantis as his home base threatens to destroy civilization with a nuclear bomb. The Nazi scientist wants the third Reich to rule again and if his demands are not meet he will follow through on his threat of nuclear annihilation. With very little time to spare Santo is enlisted to find the nuclear bomb, disarm it and end the Nazi scientist’s diabolical plan


International playboys in NYC get mixed up with a bank robbery and have to evade the police long enough to reach Mexico. long the way, they pick up an orphan boy who says he's running away from an abusive stepfather. Fourth in a series of four.

Bruno Halder a sinister scientist seeking revenge against his brother and niece is resurrected by Waldo his faithful sidekick. Besides his minions of zombies Halder enlists the help of Wolfman, Franquestain, a Vampire, a Mummy and a Cyclops. Once again the survival of mankind is put in the hands of Santo


Adaptation of the adventures of Tom Sawyer, played by actor Juliancito Bravo.


After a criminal gang kidnaps a scientist with valuable information about nuclear weapons, an undercover agent named Jorge Rubio tries to infiltrate this gang in order to deal with the situation. The gang, however, quickly unmasks Rubio and uses both brainwashing and torture techniques on him. They also create a clone of Rubio, thus setting up a show-down battle between the two look-alikes.


One of Zapata's field marshals runs afoul of dictator Huerta's stooges in his home town.


Santo must battle an evil witch and the demons and evil spirits she brings up from Hell.


Standing before Pancho Villa's tomb, horse breeder Jesus harkens back to his youth, when he provided bed and board to a nondescript laborer named Doroteo Arango. In time, Arango would transform himself into gang leader Villa. When the Mexican Civil War erupts, a man named Fierro wants to execute Jesus for selling a horse to an anti-Villa buyer. But in repayment of Jesus's debt of kindness, Villa intercedes on his behalf.


In this Mexican sci-fi fantasy, big beefy Martians invade the earth. Ostensibly, they have come to warn people about the dangers of nuclear testing and exploring space, but their real mission becomes manifest when they begin using their special powers and gadgets to exploit weak earthlings.


Public health thriller: rabies in Mexico City.


Cowboy-hero series, first of two. Sequel: Pistoleros de la frontera.


Santo investigates a series of grave robberies.


Santo fights a group of phony spiritualists who are trying to scam his god-daughter out of her 6 million peso inheritance.


Santo and Jorge Rivero team-up to stop an international syndicate from stealing Mexico's greatest treasure.


Wandering cowboy stops to help a widow out against the man who killed her husband.


In the Age of the Inquisitions, 1603, Santo, El Enmascarado de Plata, is being laid to rest by a group of monks. The Black Hood, an axe-wielder and a tormented soul who sold his soul to the devil after losing his love to El Santo, appears at the foot of his tomb and swears to seek his revenge no matter how many centuries it takes. El Santo is the chosen one and is sworn to fight for good and justice at any cost. After he finds his love, Alicia, dead at the hands of the Black Hood, El Santo must trust his faith and use his strength in this battle of good vs. evil.


The building of a railroad under tough conditions from searing heat to freezing cold in the Sonora desert provokes clashes of passion and struggles between the engineers and the workers at the campsite. The workers also contend with sudden dust storms that are called the 'black wind'.


A sailor decides to marry his girlfriend, but her boss is in love with her and orders a beating for her boyfriend. Once the sailor regains consciousness, he is accused of murder and must flee. Once he gets to the port, however, he is beaten again, losing his memory as a consequence.


Gabino's son tries to find out why his father was murdered.


During a lull in the Mexican Revolution when Francisco Madero became president and attempted to implement land reforms, two former revolutionaries are pitted against each other for the love of the same woman.


A professor recruits a professional wrestler to protect his daughter from vampires intent on kidnapping her and marrying her to the devil.


Satan gives a woman three wishes in this version of the classic tale, "The Monkey's Paw."


Hired gunman tries and fails to kill The Sheriff. Then the gunman's kid brother coms to town, thinking The Sheriff is to blame for the gunman's death.


Marita, a charming little girl, lives in the country with her grandmother. Her best friend is a modest servant, Anselmo, who almost everyday takes the girl to visit the church known as "Guadalupe's Basilica", an important cathedral in Mexico City, where she discovers Virgin Guadalupe and the legend about her apparitions in that place. Marita doesn't behave properly in school, and her teacher always has a punishment for the girl. She doesn't like school, and she doesn't want to return to school anymore. Besides, Marita's worried about her animals, like a cow who doesn't produce milk. The girl asks many miracles of Virgin Guadalupe, one of them is to not have to go to school. During a visit to the Basilica, Marita hears the Virgin's voice, and this could be the beginning of a responsible life for the girl, like to study and to be a good child.


Nightclub singer has to choose between marrying again or reuniting with her divorced husband.


Family melodrama: manipulative parents ruin lives with their meddling.


A dramatic encounter between passionate love and fraternal love. Two brothers fall in love with the same woman, played by the beautiful dancer Ninón Sevilla, an orphan they rescued during their childhood. Though she loves only one of them, she decides to give up her happiness rather than destroying the reason of the other she doesn't love.


With the purpose of using barbasco roots in the production of cortisone, a pharmaceutical company sends a scientist to investigate the possibilities of exploitation in Veracruz, but the man gets lost in the jungle and lives a strange romantic adventure in a remote location called Paradise.


Ranch-owner visits the big city to help his brother launch a theatrical venture.

Working-class girl becomes a Kept Woman, violating all of man's laws and God's Mandates.


In this period costume swashbuckler, Don Pedro de Rivera, the rightful owner of a Spanish castle seeks to reclaim it from an occupying Moorish Caliph. Don Pedro’s accomplice is Juan Ponce de León, who intends to steal the "Rose of Granada," a rare gem owned by the Caliph, which supposedly contains a rare essence that ensures eternal youth.
