Rafael Soliwoda

Driven by childhood memories and the hope of a reencounter, Sarah visits her paternal grandmother in her village in Uruguay. She takes long to understand the prevailing uneaseā€¦ But she is soon faced with the gap between her fantasy regarding the place of origin and that village of old people forgotten by Modernity where the heat is overwhelming and the days seem to last forever. Cultural shock, humor, tenderness and sadness give shape to this bitter-sweet film.


Rosa's father escapes from a nursing home and comes back to his former house. He hides a secret, and he's not coming alone.


Leo, a young man coming to terms with his own sexuality, runs into Caro, a primary school friend he fancied when they were kids, who's now trying to ward off her own personal demons. This casual re-encounter will affect their personal conflicts without either truly grasping the other's problem.


What can you do when your wife tells you that has sexual dreams with another man?
