Rafig Aliyev

The story of a boy, named Khalid. At school they called him “Hippo“. But Khalid does everything so his fellow students will like him. He may not be the best football player, but he can write beautiful poetry. In a pinch, he can distract the teacher until she forgets the math quiz. Luckily, he has a grandpa at his side to help him out, and then there is s a girl who likes him and makes his classmates to change their minds about him.

The film takes place in the Azerbaijani capital of Baku at the end of the 1980s. At this time, the Soviet Union was starting to fall apart, and with this came the start of a number of ethnic conflicts. Fariz and his family move into a Baku apartment block from war-torn Nagorno-Karabakh. Fariz's relations with his new neighbors are strained by his accusations that it was people like them who failed to support the Azeris in their conflict with ethnic Armenians. The only one who stands up to him is Alik, who acts as peacemaker between him and the older inhabitants of the building. Alik has no reservations about brandishing his gun in order to keep the peace. One day, the apartment managers want to evict a number of musicians who have been squatting in the basement. Alik gets involved, but soon discovers the situation is more complicated that he first believed.


January 1990, Baku. The Soviet Union hasn't collapsed yet. Around 300 thousand Azeri have been forsed out from their homes in Armenia and Daghlig Garabagh. Rallies of protest, political meetings spring up in Baku. The old patriarch, Ismail gathers under his roof distant relatives, people of different nationalities, beliefs, and ideas. The old man is tortured by everything happening around him: unrest in the city as well as discord and discarder in his own overpopulated apartment. All his efforts to preserve the family are in vain. People want to live separately. Former friends become bitter enemies because of the senseless aggression.


The film is about state security organs' activity.

The film is about a young woman nursing her father, when things don't go to plan.


The film is about war in Garabagh and when we look at wounded solider we see our son, brother or father.


After the novel of the same name of Yusif Samadoghlu. The film is about three intervals in time: the distant past, yesterday and today, about innocent victims, about repression, and conquest of different countries.


Made in the tragic comedy genre, this film is about the dysfunctional Soviet management system in Azerbaijan SSR at the end of 1980s and about the decadence and corruption of the Soviet bureaucracy.


The film tells a story about non-democratic and non-legal social events in the country of Azerbaijan.


The film is about political events which took place in 1989.

A father about to die remains silent. Everyone is tortured by his silence. His sons accuise themselves or rather, accuse each other. The closest relatives feel like strangers in their own family. The father understands that he is the reason for the family drama. When he was young, he was attracted by wrong ideas and committed a sin for which fate now punishes him.

The hero of the film tries to find the way out from his problems and difficulties.


After the play of the same name of Anar.


Film about growing up in a small village in Azerbaijan.


After the story of the same name of S. Veliyev. It's devoted about life concerns of oil workers and their children.

After the story of the same name of Rustam Ibrahimbeyov.


Too old grandpa is being celebity by news maker who came from centre. But then he recollected something weird things about his missus .


The historical film about Azerbaijan composer Uzeyir Hadjibeyov's life.


The Unfinished Song

The film is about the public prosecutor who fought against the criminality but was killed by them.
