Rainer Boldt

The widowed furniture manufacturer Karl Ravinski is planning a merger in Mallorca, but the call girl Cora Talheim, which is to distract the wise businessman, warns him in the last second before the giant fraud. Ravinski is so fascinated by her charm and pride that he falls in love with her and spontaneously marries her. With that he disgusts his children Felix and Hella, who worry about their inheritance. Only the boyish Irene befriends Cora. But as Ravinski dies of heart failure and Cora escapes an assassination attempt, pushes Count Count on grim secrets behind the perfect family façade.


In this mystery/thriller based on a novel by Patricia Highsmith, Nico Thomkins (Udo Schenk), a writer, and his wife Helen (Anke Sevenich) are in the habit of playing games with one another. Even while they are breaking up, they are sufficiently in tune with one another to continue this practice. When the writer's wife takes off without leaving a note behind, people begin to suspect that he may have murdered her, and he plays along with this notion to the point of planting clues which would incriminate him. Obviously, no one with a shred of common sense would do such a thing, and these tricks get him into trouble. However, his troubles don't really begin until he starts to search for her in earnest.


Hals über Kopf is a German television series.


Das Rätsel der Sandbank is a German television series.


Neues aus Uhlenbusch is a German television series for children related to the living in the fictive farming village Uhlenbusch. The 40 episodes where produced between 1977 and 1982 by the public broadcasting corporation ZDF. Also a movie was produced in 1980 incorporating three episodes put into one framework.


Experimental feature about a woman getting involved in radical politics.

Boldt's road movie, a blow-up of 8 mm to 35 mm Cinemascope, underlaid with the music of the Rolling Stones

Tatort is a long-running German/Austrian/Swiss, crime television series set in various parts of these countries. The show is broadcast on the channels of ARD in Germany, ORF 2 in Austria and SF1 in Switzerland. The first episode was broadcast on November 29, 1970. The opening sequence for the series has remained the same throughout the decades, which remains highly unusual for any such long-running TV series up to date. Each of the regional TV channels which together form ARD, plus ORF and SF, produces its own episodes, starring its own police inspector, some of which, like the discontinued Schimanski, have become cultural icons. The show appears on DasErste and ORF 2 on Sundays at 8:15 p.m. and currently about 30 episodes are made per year. As of March 2013, 865 episodes in total have been produced. Tatort is currently being broadcast in the United States on the MHz Worldview channel under the name Scene of the Crime.


Short film about slackers in Berlin.

Film by a student collective of the dffb.