Rainer Friedrichsen

A portrait of Austrian artist Gustav Klimt whose lavish, sexual paintings came to symbolize the art nouveau style of the late 19th and early 20th century.


Hartmann, a first-time film director is trying to find an actor for the Role of Casanova. Wenn he meets Alfred Edel, the actor's colourful personality spoils Hartmann's vision of a glorious Casanova epic. In the end, the director realizes that all the time he wanted to make this movie to please his mother, so he decides instead to join Edel's way of having fun.


Germany 1939. Hans and Lene marry the day before the war breaks out, and Hans is sent to the Eastern front. During a bombing raid their daughter Anna is born. The house is destroyed and Lene and Anna moves in with relatives in Berlin. Hans survives the war but he is not the same person as in 1939, and he and Lene find it difficult to live together again.
