Raisa Ryazanova

The feelings of Phil and Pyotr are really mixed. Whatever one of them feels - the second experiences the same feelings immediately.


Igor Rozhnov (Dmitry Ulyanov) could call himself an accomplished person. He has his own business, a chic mansion and a beautiful bride, Kristina (Yevgenia Loza). But successful life does not please Rozhnov. Deep down, he doesn't believe that he can be as happy again as he was thirteen years ago. Everything changes when Igor's competitors decide to ruin him. Without knowing it, they are giving him the biggest gift of his life.

Two young boys must decide what is more important for them - duty or friendship.


A story about 11 years old girl Maria who makes her way back home to Lithuania from Siberia. Based on a true story. Director A.Juzenas.


A continuation of a famous Russian comedy "Mamy" ("Mommies").


Однажды еще в студенческие годы Лена сделала опрометчивый шаг, вышла замуж совсем не за того, за кого следовало. И вот спустя семнадцать лет на нее, Елену Смирнову, сотрудника частной фирмы, разом сваливаются все несчастья, какие только возможны. Ее увольняют с работы, к другой женщине уходит муж, обвиняют в краже миллионов долларов со счета фирмы и в довершение шестнадцатилетняя дочь Аля узнает, что Елена ей не родная мать, не может простить такого обмана и уезжает к родной матери в Прагу.

Oleg is forty. Larissa is over thirty. Twenty years he lived with his wife Tatiana, who knows from childhood (studied in the same class), he has a twelve-year-old daughter nick. Established way of life. Good job. The emptiness in my soul — from the dashed hopes. And to top it all — she, Larissa. Very welcome, but from the point of view of sound logic — it is made unnecessary. The affair lasts for a year. They love each other as passionately as it happens only in his youth. But his wife finds out about their affair. Learns and daughter. The girl really wants to help her mother. And to eliminate razluchnitsa of the lives of their families. But it comes out differently…


In the center of the film is a love story of a modest graduate of the St. Petersburg law faculty evasively answering a question about a job, and a flight attendant from Kaliningrad. The picture is based on the biography of Vladimir Putin.


A successful businessman accidentally learns about his wife's betrayal with his best friend. Overnight, he loses both his friend and wife. In a fit of despair leaves for the city of his first love. Once in a random prostitute, he recognizes his daughter, who was born without him in a distant city. But it is not so easy to find happiness. And is it a daughter?


When an American of Russian descent arrived at the dawn of perestroika in the Russian hinterland, in the town of Pavlovsky Posad, where old Russian shawls are made, a lover in love with these shawls, seen only in pictures, licked no one thought that drama would break out in the provincial silence ...

The film "Christmas Stories" consists of two short stories, the action of which takes place in Russia at the end of the XIX century on the eve of Christmas. In the first story, a boy, Kolya, wants to see a star of Bethlehem, for which he goes out onto a balcony on a frosty night and gets very sick. The second story tells about a girl, Zhenya, who wants to sell her favorite doll to buy medicine for her sick mother.

Vera and Andrew can be envied. Money work, a house in a prestigious suburban village, a good foreign car. The young spouses got even a servant: on the garden, working hard, Uzbek builders work, and on the farm - the executive housekeeper Aunt Masha. It remains only to find a reliable nurse who will look after the restless daughter Aley.


Sometimes you need to become somebody else in order to understand your own destiny...


At the start of the new capitalistic era in Russia a group of friends open a taxi cab company.

The main character, meteorologist Perushkin, is a “paranormal” person who has “solid cyclones and anticyclones” in his life — he is busy with the invention of a device that draws energy from space. On the way to the great discoveries, a variety of troubles await him, one of which could have ended very sadly, if not ... love is the one that comes when you do not wait for it, the one that does not depend on the circumstances and size of the wallet, which remains unchanged In any weather…


Sergey is a Famous TV star who has everything: success, money, popularity, but one thing is missing in his life - a true love.


A farmer who has been bankrupted by bankers goes to Moscow in search for the truth.


Two Moscow students are mostly concerned with scoring with women but their lives change radically when one of them falls for a Jewish girl whose family is being persecuted by anonymous anti-Semites and is preparing to emigrate to Israel.


An expatriate British publisher unexpectedly finds himself working for British intelligence to investigate people in Russia.


Wartime, summer 1941. Train carrying criminals gets under enemy fire and crashed. Out of all of the living are only a young lieutenant of the NKVD and two prisoners - the thief and repressed Communist party worker.


Two young boys are trying to prevent a massive antiquities theft.


Adventures of a little Czech girl Yana visiting in Moscow with her parents and dog.


Operation "Resident", which lasted 15 years, is coming to an end. But the indestructible agent of "Nadezhda" has one important mission left. Agent Carl Brockmann, who intends to steal the work of Academician Nikolai Nesterov in the defense sector, has been abandoned in the USSR. KGB leadership asks Mikhail Tulyev to return to the Soviet Union to find the spy. Meanwhile, Brockmann recruits former fascist collaborator Mikhail Kutepov for involvement in a dangerous operation.


Young spouses go on a boat on a honeymoon. A fire occurs along the way - and in front of the eyes of the young wife, a burning beam falls on Matvey. Time passes, Natasha marries Stepan, who saved her that tragic night. But one day, they accidentally learn that Matvey is alive. Stepan decides to find him and leaves Moscow ...


A new boy impressed everybody by his knowledge during the history lesson but this impression didn't last long.


Six years old boy decides to start school and going by himself to first grade instead of kindergarten.


A comic drama about a permanently going duel between Traffic Officer and powerful businessman.


The young kindergarten teacher is quite happy with her work, which is completely incomprehensible to her fiancé Tolik, however, like many friends and acquaintances of the girl. But she genuinely loves children and is happy to return sincere affection.

A young boy is experiencing a lot of problems in his life. But he also have one real friend.


A final episode in the trilogy about the Russian partisan's resistance during WWII. The film is set in 1944, when Russian partisans are making progress in their fighting against the Nazi occupation of Russia, Poland and Czechoslovakia. Lt. Colonel Mlynsky is now in charge of an international clandestine operation. He is the commander of the special group of partisan-fighters. Mlynsky is organizing the Russian, Polish and Czechoslovakian partisans to join forces for an attack behind the enemy lines.


This is a life story of three girlfriends from youth to autumn ages. Their dreams and wishes, love, disillusions...


The heroes of the film are students of a pedagogical university, those who, after a year or two, have to carry knowledge to schoolchildren, "to sow the rational, good, eternal." In the meantime, student practice. True, the practice is not quite ordinary, because for the first time students leave far from the walls of their own university, for the first time they meet with students in the classroom not in the presence of their teachers, those with whom life encounters them daily at the institute, but with those who have been working for more than a year at school.


At the heart of the movie - true stories about separations and meetings, about search of relatives, the proceeding many years after war.


The film tells about the childhood and youth of the wife, friend and military ally of the founder of the country of the Soviets Nadezhda Konstantinovna Krupskaya. The main attention in the film is paid to the participation of a young revolutionary in the organization of the struggle of the workers of St. Petersburg for their rights, against the autocracy.


A long time ago a splendid deer with golden antlers lived in the woods, always protecting the poor and weak and disdaining evil. In a little village nearby the woods widow Yevdokya lived with her twin daughters Mashenka and Dashenka, her son and her old father. One day the girls observe robbers hunting the deer. Shortly after they are lured into the woods by forest spirits. Infuriated about their presence, witch Baba Yaga turns them into fawns. Meanwhile, Yevdokya searches for her daughters. For protecting the deer of robbers she gets a magical ring to protect her from danger. The deer advises her to set off to the red sun or the clear moon. But both cannot reach the magic woods with their light. Finally, the boy accompanied by his cat goes in search for sisters and mother.


Film almanac, consisting of four novels, United by one theme — a short stay of the characters in the capital. About the sailor who met his love in Moscow, about the birth of a little girl and about other, no less interesting events.


The life of a twenty-four-year-old Indian collapses overnight when he finds out that he is the father of a five-year-old girl Marusya. The Indian is not ready to part with a successful career, bachelor meetings with friends and take care of a small child, but over time, the sincere love of his daughter changes the Indian. Almost deprived of the right to raise his daughter, he finds a way to leave Marusya and become a real family.