Ralph Graves

Laurel is a Scottish reporter suspected of being a spy by police detective James Finlayson. Although trailed by the latter, Stan, who is reporting on the movie world, manages to be hired by Mack Sennett. He makes his debut in Nevada, in the middle of gold diggers. After managing to clear his name he becomes, with Oliver Hardy, a big comedy star.


A promising young composer is tempted away from his devoted wife by a fortune-seeking woman who cares more for his prospects than for him.


Thomas Dekker is a diamond cutter attempting to reclaim his right to a portion of a rubber empire in the early part of the twentieth century. Tom travels to Brazil to uncover the fate of his father and along the way meets Teresa, a local girl who offers to be his guide in the jungle. Eventually, they encounter three armed men who take them to Lobato, a bandit who knew his father. Once convinced that Tom is his friend's son, Lobato tells him a lengthy story which culminates with his meeting Tom's father, who rescued him from drowning. With the help of "flashbacks" from an obscure South American feature, Tom learns what really became of his father.


A action packed and exciting TV serial of the amazing adventures of Batman and Robin vs The WIZARD!! Set in Gotham City, 1949

Joe heads for South America to fight the Latin champ. Shipboard, he helps federal agents fight counterfeiters. He also spars with love interest Anne Howe.


In New York City, a newly hired photographer becomes embroiled in a scandal when her photo is mistaken for evidence of a murder and she must try to prove her own innocence.


Anita, engaged to solid Don Barnes, is swept off her feet by magician Arturo. Before you can say presto, she's his wife and stage assistant on a lengthy world tour. But Anita is annoyed by Arturo's constant flirtations, and his death-defying stunts give her nightmares. And forget her plan to retire to a farmhouse. Eventually, she has had enough and disappears.


This is the story of the historic 1938 flight of Douglas 'Wrong Way' Corrigan. Mr. Corrigan starred in this film, which chronicled his infamous flight. On July 17, 1938, Mr. Corrigan loaded 320 gallons of gasoline (40 hours worth) into the tiny, single engine plane. While expressing his intent to fly west to Long Beach, CA, Mr. Corrigan flew out of Floyd Bennett Field heading east over the Atlantic. Instrumentation in the plane included two compasses (both malfunctioned) and a turn-and-bank indicator. The cabin door was held shut with baling wire. Nearly 29 hours later, he landed in Baldonnel near Dublin. He forever claimed to be surprised at arriving in Ireland rather than California. He returned to the US as a hero, with a ticker tape parade in New York and received numerous medals and awards.


Nancy Evans, lovely circus owner, has a ranch that she's never visited, but for sentimental reasons won't sell to Mike Abbott. Her partners, secretly in league with Abbott, sabotage the circus to force Nancy to sell the ranch; instead, she goes there to live. Will her neighbors, the Three Mesquiteers, be a match for the secret swindlers? And what's so valuable about that run-down ranch anyway?


An ex-con vows vengeance on the newspaper responsible for putting him behind bars, but has a change of heart when another racketeer threatens to bring the paper down..


Johnny Eaton, trouble-shooter for an American oil company drilling in China, leaves his bride-to-be to head for the Orient and straighten out problems at the inland-concession site his company controls.


Government agents try to thwart smugglers, while some sort of plot unfolds, about a hidden treasure revealed by cursed coins.


A wealthy blonde gal in Las Vegas gets mixed up with a lady gangster and the G-man that is chasing the gangster.


Letty, a young woman who ended up pregnant, unmarried and on the streets at fifteen is bitter and determined that her child will not grow up to be taken advantage of. Letty teaches her child to lie, steal, cheat and anything else he'll need to be street smart.


After a jeweler hires a private detective to help him find $50,000 missing from his company, he is murdered while attending a society party; and the private eye, aided by his comely secretary, vies with a bumbling police detective to find the murderer among several suspects, including the dead man's daughter, her current husband, her former husband, and an ex-convict.


A lame boy's uncle tries to rescue him from his over-protective parents.


Tony, the son of Italian immigrants, works in a smoky steel mill in Gary, Indiana. He wins a company scholarship which will enable him to attend Yale college. Over the four years of his college career he learns about football, love, and class prejudice.


Dirigible commander Jack Braden and Navy pilot 'Frisky' Pierce fight over the glory associated with a successful expedition to the South Pole and the love of beautiful Helen, Frisky's wife. After Braden's dirigible expedition fails, Frisky tries an expedition by plane. Unfortunately he crashes and strands his party at the South Pole. Braden must decide between a risky rescue attempt by dirigible and remaining safely at home with Helen.


A wealthy soldier returns home after WWI, discovers his socialite fiancee no longer wants to marry him, and weds an admitted gold-digger he's just met after a night of drinking and partying.


Holt plays police lieutenant McHenry, while Graves is his friendly rival, crime reporter Wally Cook. After the two men verbally duel over a variety of details, they hunker down to business, that of solving the murder of a lawyer who was in the midst of reading a will to a motley collection of heirs.

Young Nell loses everything and her father is sent to prison. She joins the Salvation Army and tries to redeem him when he comes out....


John Meadham, in charge of a West Africa trading post, wire the home office in London that he is tired and worn out, and they need to send a replacement to take over. The company sends a stiff upper-lipper, Charles Summers, accompanied by his wife, Margaret. An antagonism develops between the two men from the moment Summers arrives.


Kay Arnold is a gold digger who wanders from party to party with the intention of catching a rich suitor. Jerry Strong is a young man from a wealthy family who strives to succeed as an artist. What begins as a relationship of mutual convenience soon turns into something else.


When a bank executive disappears, he is accused of stealing a fortune from the bank. But his daughter and her criminologist friend set out to find her father and clear his name.


Two Marine pilots in love with the same girl are assigned a mission to find a notorious bandit in Nicaragua. This early talkie from director Frank Capra, released in 1929, stars Jack Holt, Ralph Graves and Lila Lee.


Six friends, all hoping to become aviators, are to graduate the next day from the United States Naval Academy. When the officer of the day becomes sick, Tommy Winslow has to take his place, while the others go out and celebrate.


A mawkish backstage musical.


Betty Forrester, a college flirt who is determined to attract Harvey Porter, the school coach, starts playing around to make him jealous. Her roommate, Doris Marlowe, is a naive girl who falls madly in love with Tom, a sophisticated playboy who leads Doris on until he tires of her. At this point Doris pleads with Tom to love her, but he refuses. Betty, afraid for Doris' welfare, tries to save her from Tom by falsely attracting him to herself. Doris, crestfallen, leaves them and accidentally tumbles into an elevator shaft and dies. Harvey is furiously jealous and determines never to see Betty again until he learns the real reason for her actions with Tom; then he asks her to marry him.


Glad Rag Doll is a 1929 American Pre-Code drama film directed by Michael Curtiz and starring Dolores Costello. This is one of many lost films of the 1920s, no prints or Vitaphone discs survive, but the song with the same title and the trailer survives.


A complete 35 mm print is held by the Library of Congress.

Gold-digger Molly marries the heir to a fortune, but things go badly when he is disinherited and starts working as a ditch digger.


Melrose's circus is being threatened by his competitor, who's angry that Melrose has outmanuevered him in bookings; what he doesn't know is that the competitor has also planted a saboteur who creates accidents in hopes of reducing the value of the circus. Meanwhile, he's also hired a beautiful young woman as the magician's assistant, with eyes toward more - but he realizes that, as a midget, she won't have him.


Two sailors who are always competing against each other set their sights on the same girl. When she chooses one over the other, their friendship ends acrimoniously. However, things change when one the men is in a submarine trapped beneath the ocean and the other, a diver, is sent down on a rescue mission.


Film was released in 1927


Young Irish boxer James Carabine arrives in New York from Ireland, his way having been paid by Peggy Nolan, a girl from his hometown who's sweet on him. Unfortunately, James falls for the trampy Marcolina, who hooks up with him when her boxer husband loses a fight due to the shady doings of friends of fighter Blanco Johnson. Peggy sets out to rescue him from the bad crowd he's hanging with and get him back into prime boxing form.

Ralph Graves plays a cabaret singer who is mistaken for a duke while courting society girl Ruth Taylor.

In the Canadian mountains an orphan girl, Valencia, is left in the care of the abusive Hawkins family. A fugitive outlaw, Roger McKay, stumbles onto the property and immediately falls in love with Valencia. When Mr. Hawkins is killed by his long-suffering spouse, Roger assumes that Valencia committed the murder and confesses to the crime to protect her.

Meet My Girl is a comedy silent short.

Womanpower (1926)

Roland Royce (Ralph Graves) takes his family and a beautiful nurse (Olive Borden) on a camping trip but everything goes wrong.


A Mack Sennett slapstick comedy short starring Ralph Graves.

Hurry, Doctor! is a 1925 comedy short

Ralph Graves is a football hero that delvers ice for a living in this Mack Sennett slapstick comedy.

Ralph Graves and Martin Loback are a streetcar team who hit the high spots one night (the highest spot being dancer Natalie Delys (Natalie Kingston) "who shook a wicked eyebrow". Despite an extremely poor seduction technique ("Hey, girlie, you're great"), Graves starts two-timing his girlfriend Marion (Alice Day) and spending money he cannot afford.

Returning to his hometown a fitness equipment salesman falls in love with the store keeper's daughter.

East of the Water Plug is a silent comedy.

Sue Graham is a small town girl who wants to be a motion picture star. She wins a contract when a picture of a very pretty girl is sent to a studio instead of her picture. When she arrives in Hollywood, the mistake is discovered and she starts working in the props department of the studio instead. Her parents then come out to California and invest some money with a very shifty individual.


Elinor "Swifty" Forbes and her younger sister Marjory are the carefree daughters of wealthy J. D. Forbes. Their mother shows no restraint over her daughters, so they live among the flapper set. Lester Hodges, a songwriter, is enamored of Marjory, while Garside, who runs a card room, is interested in Swifty. While gambling at Garside's place, Swifty meets Roger Corbin, who works as an engineer at her father's business. Corbin falls in love with Swifty. When Mr. Forbes protests against both his daughters' behavior, they move out. Marjory marries Hodges, but eventually leaves him and returns to her parents. Swifty, who has gambled herself into debt, agrees to marry Garside. But when the couple are together in a café, prohibition agents raid the place.


Shane O'Mealia leaves Ireland, promising to send for his sweetheart, Moyna. In the mean time the son of the old lady she lives with, takes them back to America without telling Shane, who then must explain a girl he's been seeing in New York.


Discovering that her husband is a bigamist, Nan returns with her child to her Puget Sound logging town. She is treated as an outcast by all save Donald, her childhood sweetheart, the son of a millionaire....


Harley P. Hennage, town gambler, takes under his protection Dana Corbaly when her widowed mother dies. He becomes suspicious of the motives of Bob McGraw, a young engineer who has come to town to investigate the mining claim of Dana's father, John Corbaly. But events reveal that he is only the tool of Corbaly's former partner, capitalist T. Morgan Carey.

Three men in London compete for the love of a dance-hall girl.


The Grand Duchess Marie Louise is the beautiful young ruler of Molvania. She is a fun-loving girl who secretly hopes that the revolutionaries who threaten to take over her country are able to do so, as that will free her to go to America to be with the soldier friends she met during the Great War.

A young girl living a secluded and unsophisticated life is suddenly thrust into a great wealth and a frightening social whirl.

A romantic bandit named Alvarez, wanted for raids on the mining camps of the California gold rush in 1849, is reformed by the love of a good woman.


A young woman is so superstitious that she cannot make a move or a decision without the approval of the cards or the stars. Pursued romantically by two men, one virtuous, the other villainous, the cards point her toward the villain. Which will she follow, her cards or her heart?

A young woman is in love, but the man of her affections wants only her and no part of her vast wealth.

An orphan girl is given shelter by a farm family, but soon finds herself in the clutches of a murderous farmer and his wife.


Elena Evans is raised by her puritanical Aunt Elvira, who believes that because of Elena's mother, Elena possesses "the scarlet strain."

A mother regains custody of her daughter.

A comedy about a Bowery bum.
