Ralph Wright

Maleficent and her goddaughter Aurora begin to question the complex family ties that bind them as they are pulled in different directions by impending nuptials, unexpected allies, and dark new forces at play.


Six more animated stories from the Disney studios. 'Three Blind Mousketeers' follows the misadventures of the outrageous trio. In 'Three Little Pigs', the Big Bad Wolf is doing his best to cunningly snare the guileless little pigs, while in 'Three Little Wolves' he goes one step further and decides to disguise and train his own offspring to lure them into his fold. 'Funny Little Bunnies' explores the mystery of the Easter Bunny. 'Lambert the Sheepish Lion' is a lovable, shy lion who plucks up the courage to protect his adopted family of ewes and rams. 'Ferdinand the Bull' gets in a scrape at a Madrid bullring when he gets stung by a bee and the crowd mistake him for a fighting bull.

Winnie the Pooh and friends decide to throw a birthday celebration for gloomy, old Eeyore.


Whether we’re young or forever young at heart, the Hundred Acre Wood calls to that place in each of us that still believes in magic. Join pals Pooh, Piglet, Kanga, Roo, Owl, Rabbit, Tigger and Christopher Robin as they enjoy their days together and sing their way through adventures.


When Madame Adelaide Bonfamille leaves her fortune to Duchess and her children—Bonfamille’s beloved family of cats—the butler plots to steal the money and kidnaps the legatees, leaving them out on a country road. All seems lost until the wily Thomas O’Malley Cat and his jazz-playing alley cats come to the aristocats’ rescue.


Winnie the Pooh and his friends experience high winds, heavy rains, and a flood in Hundred Acre Wood.


The boy Mowgli makes his way to the man-village with Bagheera, the wise panther. Along the way he meets jazzy King Louie, the hypnotic snake Kaa and the lovable, happy-go-lucky bear Baloo, who teaches Mowgli "The Bare Necessities" of life and the true meaning of friendship.


Two bear cubs, Tuffy and Tubby, are separated from their mother and spend an entire summer romping through Yellowstone National Park. In the meantime, the mother bear follows their trail as she searches for them.


Mouser Jaone Tom and housecat Mewsette are living in the French country side, but Mewsette wants to experience the refinement and excitement of the Paris living. But upon arrival she falls into the clutches of Meowrice. Jaune Tom and his friend Robespierre set off to Paris to find her.


Mr. X buys a boat and inadvertantly enters the water skiing race. With Junior driving, with no experience, he's a bit out of his league.


A family film about Nikki, a half-wolf, half-dog raised in the Yukon during the gold rush era. After being separated from her master, Nikki must fend for herself amidst bears, the harsh Yukon weather, and a trapper who wants her skin.


This True Life Fantasy follows and shows how the life of a female squirrel, Perri, in the forest is filled with danger and fraught with peril. When not fleeing her natural enemy, the Marten, Perri finds time to fall in love with her prince-charming male squirrel.


The movie presents a mysterious and enigmatic world, a place where more than 40,000 — no one knows precisely how many — descendants of Arab conquerors live, the last great nomads of the world. These nomads are deemed the “Blue Men” due to their bluish complexion — not a racial characteristic, but the consequence of color from their clothing staining their skin. Each morning, they turn to Mecca and thank Allah for the blessing of their remaining liberty, that liberty which, in spite of all the pain and hardships, they would not exchange for houses, which they could not carry on their journeys, nor for radios, since the world outside does not exist for them, nor for watches, since it is not their custom to count the time.

Walt answers the often-asked question of just where the stories for his studio's cartoons come from, which is from practically anywhere.


Walt Disney, who is on vacation, gives Jiminy Cricket a phone call to take over hosting duties for one TV episode while he is away. Jiminy decides to gather the other Disney stars together to help him out. Unfortunately, they, too, are on vacation, but how they are spending their respective vacations helps put the show together for him.

Lady, a golden cocker spaniel, meets up with a mongrel dog who calls himself the Tramp. He is obviously from the wrong side of town, but happenings at Lady's home make her decide to travel with him for a while.


Oscar nominated short film from 1954


The boys are more interested in their comic book than the sights on their Florida vacation. When the car breaks down next to the spring "mistaken for the fountain of youth", Donald decides to have some fun with his nephews and hides the part of the sign saying "mistaken for". As baby Donald, he starts shredding their comic book and generally acting like a spoiled brat. But when he decides to pretend he's turned into an egg (borrowed from an alligator), he's in for trouble he hadn't bargained for once the gator finds out.


Donald's nephews come by for halloween and plays tricks on them. But Witch Hazel was watching, and offers to help the boys get even. She brews up a potion that animates inanimate objects and sics them on . He initially agrees to treat the boys, until he hears the witch call him a "pushover". She animates his feet to get him to cough up the key to his pantry.


The stork mistakenly delivers Lambert, a baby lion, to a flock of sheep. The mother won't let the stork take him back, so Lambert is raised as a sheep, but he just doesn't fit in. He grows up cowardly, until the day his mother is chased by a wolf.


Mickey's on vacation at Camp Utopia. At first Pluto thinks it really is utopia: trees everywhere and a cat to chase. But the cabin rules are strict: no dogs indoors, and dogs must be muzzled and leashed. Mickey puts Pluto out to sleep, just out of reach of his food, and the cat comes down and taunts him. Pluto falls asleep and dreams of his "Plutopia" with a subservient cat begging Pluto to bite him and catering to his every need.


Donald is vacationing at a dude ranch. After all the beautiful women pick the best horses, Donald ends up with the sad sack Rover Boy. But Rover Boy wants nothing to do with Donald.


Mickey's hunting raccoons, with help from Pluto. But the raccoon outsmarts Pluto at every turn, with help from a vine, a stream, and ultimately grabbing Mickey's coonskin cap and puppeteering it as a baby coon.


Part of Esso's series of "Car-tune" advertising. The dog works as a garage owner nearby the beach, and is disrupted by an annoying salesman whose car incidentally breaks down. Luckily, he finds his solution in Esso petrol.

Part of Esso's series of "Car-tune" advertising. A cartoon dog's car runs out of gas in the snow. Conveniently, a snowball pulls the car and a stranded female cat over to a petrol station.

Donald and Goofy are driving across the desert, apparently the Sahara. The car breaks down (out of gas), and they start walking. Before long, they are out of water, and are seeing mirages of soda fountains and icebergs. Fortunately, they find a camel.


Donald receives a mail order hypnosis kit complete with hypnotic goggles and decides to test it on Pluto. Using the goggles, he convinces Pluto he is a mouse, a turtle, and a chicken. Each "transformation" Pluto undergoes Donald finds extremely funny so he keeps at it until he notices chicken Pluto getting into a fight with a rooster. Donald helps Pluto win the fight by making him think he's a lion but, unfortunately, the goggles break and Donald is chased about by Pluto until he regains his senses after a fall.


On the night he promised to take his girl-friend Daisy out, Donald Duck discovers he's skinned. Desperate for spending money, he gets it in the last place he knows: his three nephews' piggy bank. After the wild clubbing night, she thanks the 'rich' big spender, which only makes Donald remember how penniless and guilty he is. Images of merciless pursuit by the police and rotting jail finish him off, so he takes a dish washing job, all night, but will that make everything all-right?


Donald and Goofy rent a sailboat. This boat is a bit unusual: to rent it, you put a nickel in a slot, and the mast and sail pop up. Unfortunately, after a while, they pop back down. When Donald runs out of nickels, they are marooned. Goofy waves his shirt at a passing cruise ship, but they (and he) mistake this for a friendly greeting. A flying fish lands in the boat; while the boys fight over it, a gull grabs it. They try to bash the gull, which lands atop their heads, with predictable results. Finally, as the sharks circle, they try fishing, with Donald as the unwitting bait. He eventually lands back in the boat, where his bill lands in the coin slot and gives them a way home.


For Donald's birthday he receives a box with three gifts inside. The gifts, a movie projector, a pop-up book, and a pinata, each take Donald on wild adventures through Mexico and South America.


Pluto is in the infantry guarding a pillbox from saboteurs.


Donald needs a log for his fire. Unfortunately, the one he picks is occupied by a couple of chipmunks and their stash of acorns. When he cuts it down, Chip and Dale fall out, but their acorns stay behind, so they work at putting out Donald's fire and retrieving their stash. Donald, of course, takes this as calmly and cheerfully as you would expect.


Goofy demonstrates a number of crazy vehicles.


Live-action segments show members of the Disney staff touring South America and recording their impressions in sketches. These segue into four animated sections: "Lake Titicaca" depicts tourist Donald Duck's troubles with a stubborn llama; and in "Aquarela do Brasil," Jose Carioca shows Donald the sights and sound of Rio de Janeiro.


Donald has to work hard to save his garden and price-winning melons from a hungry badger.


Bambi's tale unfolds from season to season as the young prince of the forest learns about life, love, and friends.


Goofy takes a lighthearted look at self defense through the ages: cavemen, knights, the age of chivalry, and finally boxing.


Goofy, staying at the Sugar Bowl resort, demonstrates the basics of downhill skiing, which the titles and announcer insist is pronounced "SHEEing". The equipment is, of course, of the era. As you can imagine, Goofy has much trouble keeping his skis parallel and pointing downhill. The final ski jump conveniently lands Goofy right back in bed.
