Ramón Gay

Experimenting in hypnotic regression to past lives, Dr. Edmund Redding of the Cowan Institute in Pasadena has discovered that Ann Taylor is a reincarnated Aztec woman. Via her recovered memories, she is able to lead Redding and his associates to a hidden chamber in the Great Pyramid of Yucatan, where they hope to find the lost treasure of the Aztecs. Instead, they find two mummified bodies - one of a modern man, quite dead, and the other of an ancient Aztec, quite alive. They are able to return safely to Pasadena with both finds, but a rival professor, Janney, kills Redding and steals the body of the modern man-mummy. This he subjects to a resurrection experiment, which works - only the mummy proves to be a werewolf. Two supernatural menaces roam the city that night. This film is composed of footage from two unrelated Mexican horror movies, LA CASA DEL TERROR and LA MOMIA AZTECA, plus new footage shot in the U.S. by Jerry Warren.


A scientist seeking loot of the Nile regresses a woman (Nina Knight) to her former self, a princess in ancient Egypt.


Four men are cursed by a voodoo priest for stealing a sacred idol from his temple. Soon a band of murderous "doll men" are after the men and their families.


Mourners share their memories of a dead film-star at her wake, a la Citizen Kane. Only melodrama.


A young professional hires a sex-worker to pass as his wife in a situation that requires him to seem married. Later they think about getting married for reals... but mostly they just recite monologues to each other.


A mad doctor builds a robot in order to steal a valuable Aztec treasure from a tomb guarded by a centuries old living mummy.


Young singer becomes famous, has an affair with a married man.


Young nightclub performer, down on her luck, falls in with a portrait-cartoonist who works the streets and a terminally-ill singer-songwriter and goes to live on their houseboat. They consider doing a crime.


Experimenting in hypnotic regression to past lives, Dr. Almada discovers that his fiancée, Flor, is the reincarnation of an Aztec maiden who was put to death for loving an Aztec warrior, her body placed at the entrance to a hidden chamber in the Great Pyramid of Yucatan where the treasures of the Aztecs were hidden, and her lover mummified but cursed to remain alive and guard the treasure. With her recovered memories, Flor is able to lead Almada, his wimpish assistant Pincate, and her father to the now-skeletal remains of the maiden. Attached to them is a golden breastplate with a map detailing the route to the treasure. But to their horror, the party is intercepted by the mummified warrior, Popoca, and flee with the breastplate back to Mexico city. Popoca follows. In the meantime, Prof. Krup, an unscrupulous colleague of Almada's, recruits a gang of thugs, whom he leads from behind a mask and known only as "The Bat"...


A freed slave, who is descended from a murdered witch, plots revenge with her grandmother on a sugar plantation's inhabitants. Complications ensue due to her love for the master of the estate.


Two young sweethearts get tangled up with a bad guy and a stolen necklace.

The evil Dr. Krupp, once again trying to get possession of the Aztec princess Xochitl's jewels, hypnotizes her current reincarnation, Flor, to get her to reveal the jewels' location - Xochitl's tomb. Confusion reigns as Krupp and his thugs are opposed by Flor's lover, Dr. Almada, his assistant, and wrestling superhero, El Angel. Krupp finally meets his match, however, when he comes up against Popoca, the warrior mummy who guards Xochitl's tomb.


Lonelyhearts advisor on a tv show becomes feminist icon and movement-leader.


A dramatic encounter between passionate love and fraternal love. Two brothers fall in love with the same woman, played by the beautiful dancer Ninón Sevilla, an orphan they rescued during their childhood. Though she loves only one of them, she decides to give up her happiness rather than destroying the reason of the other she doesn't love.


Young widow with kindergarten-age daughter butts heads with her mother-in-law.


Bad woman plays three men off each other while enjoying the attentions of all three; a great many lives are disrupted as a result of her wickedness.


This Mexican melodrama may have been released above the border as After the Storm. The principal characters are a pair of twin lighthouse keepers. They try their best to live together with their wives under the same roof, but the delicate balance is shattered when one of the brothers falls in love with his sister-in-law. When one twin is lost during a storm, the other assumes his identity, with the expected romantic complications. If Despues de la Termenta sounds familiar, it is because the screenplay was inspired by the 1946 Bette Davis vehicle A Stolen Life.


Anthology film, four episodes.


Juan Manuel intends his wife Clara, who is blind, sign the will in his favor, but she refuses. With them lives Soledad, goddaughter Clara. A day comes Carlos, nephew of Juan Manuel, who is interested in Soledad. Carlos is going to study medicine in the United States and maintains correspondence with Soledad. Juan Manuel shows interest in Soledad but prevents Clara meet her. She is the daughter of Clara, who hid that Juan Manuel had killed the father of Soledad and also caused her blindness.


A young artist's affair with a married woman destroys her family. Twenty-odd years later, her two daughters fall into his orbit.


A voodoo warlock turns a girl into a zombie, by the orders of her stepmother, so she can continue her affair with the girl's boyfriend.

A woman of low estate is beloved of a promising young man, but sacrifices her love for him in order to protect his future and reputation.


Everything-but-the-kitchen-sink melodrama: young widow suffers everything life can throw at her.

Thieves break into a scientist's laboratory to steal a secret formula, and in the process they kill his daughter. Enraged, he develops a formula that will turn an extremely ugly woman into a spectacular beauty, and then uses the woman to take his revenge on those responsible for his daughter's murder.


Elena #2 has been working at seducing her daughter's boyfriend away from her, without realizing that the two young people were romantically involved. Just before she makes a huge grotesque mistake, her mother takes here aside and narrates a long long long flashback about the unhappy things that happened in her love life thirty-odd years back. That story connects to the modern-day one in curious ways...

Criss-crossing love affairs and jealousies result in a murder attempt.

Sad lonely spinster makes friends with a little boy in the park, ends up kidnapping him when she learns about how unloved and neglected he is at home. And then...


As he rises through the ranks of the police department, a young officer gets more deeply involved in manipulating gang activity for personal gain.

Big-league criminal escapes from jail, tracks down his ex-wife at a seaside resort. She kills him in self-defense, and then a guy who looks exactly like him comes along. Massive complications!


A miserly father quashes his daughter's marriage plans because he thinks her fiance is a fortune-hunter.


A classic story of a husband who meets a younger woman, and begins a love affair.


Gangster-y club-owner vs. chorus girl. Blackmail, murder...


Journalist meets an unforgettable woman, tracks her down and discovers all her tragic past.

Family melodrama with lots of complications: illegitimate children, amnesia, blended families, maternal sacrifices...


Paco's ordered by a higher-up in his gang to beat up a journalist who wants to write exposes about Mexico City drug traffic, and that ends up opening a whole can of worms.

The English-language title of the Mexican La Ausente is The Absentee. The title is explained within the context of the story, though one has to be patient. Essentially, this is the story of one man's guilt: the wealthy man (Arturo Cordoba) has convinced himself that he has killed his wife, a fact that has a devastating effect on all that follows. Several plot convolutions come and go before the truth is out -- not to mention the truth behind the truth. More than one reviewer noted the resemblances between La Ausente and the much-earlier Hitchcock film Rebecca; also noted was the later film's choppy continuity, the result of one too much censorial edit.


Newly-married woman discovers that her husband's a virgin and not the notorious Don Juan that she'd heard rumors about, and their marriage almost collapses because he's faithful and monogamous and good.


Two sisters fall in love with the same man. Plus fatal illness.


Gothic-y love story a la Wuthering Heights.

Wealthy libertine tries to seduce another man's mistress by threatening to send him to jail if she doesn't put out. Blowback from his sleazy behavior affects five other people; everybody suffers. Enormously.

Pedro meets the materialistic Leticia through a failed heist. After she turns over a new leaf, the two marry, until tragedy drives them apart.


Candida is a Galician who lives in Mexico and has been selling lottery tickets. Her dream is to buy an inn, but doesn't have enough money. In his quest for trying to do, she run with a scammer. In a stroke of luck he won first prize in the lottery, but the misfortune is merciless with her ​​because she don't find the ticket.


Wanted criminal has plastic surgery, starts new life in a distant town. Old habits die hard.


A con artist seduces the widow of a millionaire, only to learn she'd plotted with her lover to murder the late husband. A tense game of cat-and-mouse ensues—but who's the cat? Perhaps the greatest thriller ever made in Mexico, starring Arturo de Córdova and Leticia Palma.


Bachelor pretends that he got married, thinking that will stop his aunt from trying to play matchmaker.


Loosely-plotted melodrama about five "hostesses" and the owners of a waterfront nightclub.


Crooked lawyer runs amok, making a mockery of the legal system.


When her father dies, a young Afro-Mexican woman joins the Revolution, the way he was planning to do, and becomes the leader of a Zapatista battalion.


A woman, after committing a murder, flees into a church, confessing her life story to a priest.


Bernardo is in love with Adela and although she does not belong, he has always helped her family although they only care about money and not the virtues of man.


Famous bullfighter rises from humble beginnings, finds himself enmeshed in an emotionally-draining romantic triangle.

Gender-reversal comedy about husband and wife trading places.


Sonora Mexico, 1880s: Seri Indian tribe splits into two factions after a white woman comes to live in their settlement.


Bratty rich girl plays practical jokes on the man that she'll obviously end up marrying.


A snake-charmer falls in love with a circus trapeze artist who trains her and has her debut in this discipline.


A man hired to impersonate a bankrupt business mogul who is currently on the run from creditors sets out organize a musical starring beauties from Brazil, Mexico, and Spain in this Spanish-language comedy starring popular funnyman Tin Tan. Now, as the hapless imposter attempts to finance a musical without any money, he also discovers just how difficult it can be to juggle three beautiful starlets who all have eyes for their presumably wealthy producer.


Tango singer exploits his popularity in high society to commit crimes.

The Mads fall victim to their own newly-installed security system, and the unfortunately-shaped Satellite of Love is besieged by Demon Dogs hoping to pray to the Giant Bone.
