Ramona Bădescu

Mixing fragmented stories of people with views of a landscape in perpetual transformation, we travel intimately in the footsteps of a contemporary Alice in what was once a leafy forest populated by birds and water sources and is today a modern day “concrete jungle” in the centre of the infamous northern district of Marseille. Nature seems to breath only in the hollow of a memory of those who lived through it as children in the 60’s and 70’s. The film paints a portrait of a contemporary neighbourhood battered by perpetual violent transformation that echoes in the vulnerable voices of its habitants. (DocLisboa)


Lo zio d'America is an Italian television series.


A movie directed by F.Nuti


Alessandro Corso is a special forces carabiniere. During an operation he saves a child but cause the death of one of his comrades. He's then transferred to a peaceful little town, where he will be unexpectedly forced to help an hot witness named Antavleva, protecting her and bringing them safely to the trial.


The brave Baccello, at the time departed as a young crusader for the Holy Land, returns to Sarnano where he is anxious to find his beautiful wife Ubalda to whom on the day of departure he had a sturdy chastity belt worn ...


A "sequel" to Island of the Fishmen (L'isola degli uomini pesce) that opts for a kitchen sink approach blending Italian post-apocalyptic, fantasy and kids movie genres.


A few funny little novels about different aspects of life.


Like every year, everyone is going back to the ancestral family's home for the Christmas holidays. But this time, the old folks have a surprise, a good surprise for them. They have decided to go living with one of their children and make him or her inherit the family house.
