Randall Godwin

A group of ambitious filmmakers set out to create the world's first reality horror movie. What ensues is a hellish game of cat and mouse as a cryptic filmmaker, known only as The Maestro, comes out from hiding in search of his "perfect shot."


Tony loves ice fishing.


The tragic real life story of a serial killer who stalked his victims in the early 1970's in small town America. A weaving trail of twists and turns that left people unsettled for two generations until investigative persistence aided by modern technology brings justice for a young mother and her family some 28 years later.


A macho man in a family on the eve of deer-hunting season must deal with the eldest son's curse of never having bagged a buck.


The Dirty Shame is the only bar in the small town of Paradise, Michigan. A burnt out, chain-smoking fortyish bar maid is the only waitress at The Dirty Shame. A group of local red necks conspiring to bring a mail order bride to their Midwest town for their ne'er-do-well leader set the story in motion.


Danny Quinn (Seth Bernard) lives with one great dream... he wants to prove his late father was right about a pirate treasure in the depths of Lake Michigan.


The film centers on a big Polish family. Jadzia is the mother and the ruler of the Pzoniak family (she has five children). Though she's happily married to Bolek, she is also having a long-time affair with Roman. Her young daughter Hala is having an affair with neighbour cop Russell and becomes pregnant by him. Russell is pressed hard to marry Hala.
