Randy Sparks

A professor recalls his atheistic father, his devoted mother and his father's blousy mistress.


A handsome thoroughbred yearling accidentally escapes from a cross-country van in the desert, and is found and loved by a young Mexican boy. He hides the horse from searchers, but eventually mends his ways and tries to return the animal. However, two hoodlums steal the horse. The boy leads a sheriff to the rescue, and receives an apt reward.


Sociology professor Steve MacInter is conducting a survey at Collins College about the mores and lifestyles of the young people. Some of the good citizens begin to find exception to his sociological survey when they find out it includes questions about sex. Reporter Betty Ducayne receives an anonymous tip that the good professor is engaging in corruption of youth and when Steve's past comes up to haunt him, all heck breaks loose.


Big money means big crime in this noir drama following the exploits of Frankie (Randy Sparks), a young man who stumbles on a stash of cash and finds himself way in over his head during the course of one sordid evening filled with greed, lust and violence. The stolen money creates friction between Frankie and his girlfriend, Ellie (Venetia Stevenson), while Frankie must deal with school, his job and the true crooks on his tail.


A father comes home to Tennessee from the "police action" in Korea to take over operation of the family moonshine making operation, but runs afoul of some gangsters who want in on the action.
