Raúl 'Chato' Padilla

A priest recruits some secular friends of his to help him break the stranglehold a political boss has over their town's economy.

The story of a vegetarian vampire who faints at the sight of blood.

When his girlfriend is kidnapped, a shoemaker and his friends will attempt to rescue her.


Charrito is the villain actor in a movie, which is filmed in a town, that only produces headaches to the director, for being extremely distracted


A tap dancing exterminator is mistaken for an out-of-town hit man by two rival gangs, each hoping to acquire his services.


is the continuation of the Mexican film El Chanfle (1979) Chespirito, which aired in theaters in 1982. At that time the cast of the neighborhood (with some absences: the Carlos Villagran, who decided not to continue working with Roberto Gomez Bolaños by a personal decision, he left in 1979. Ramon Valdez next year decides to accompany him, also leaving to work with Chespirito. returned with him in 1981, but a health problem that was detected in the early 80's, was prevented from participating in this film), it left room for the story of a lowly stagehand football team that achieves his dream beside his wife Tere, of having a child. In this film, the situation is a little different.


This movie is about a soccer team worker "Chanfle", who's in charge of having everything up to date for the team, soccer balls, uniforms, soccer shoes, you name it! Well he's been married for 10 years to a beautiful young girl but hasn't got the privilege of being a father! They are really poor and in the attempt to sell a gun that belonged to a diseased uncle, he's mistaken for a burglar by a drunk guy. From that moment on, he's contanstly harrassed by the drunk guy, who chases him everytime he can...


Mateo Melgarejo is a notary public and scribe for the illiterate people of Santo Domingo, a neighborhood north of Mexico City's Zócalo. A squatter friend asks for his help in negotiating with the land census bureau to regularize a land title. After a great deal of frustration with the government bureaucracy, he writes a letter to the cabinet minister, earning an audience with him. The minister hires Melgarejo to reform the bureau, and the appointee proceeds to lecture the officials on their duties in a democratic society. At the end, he gives up the post, returning to Santo Domingo to help its poor residents.


Family from a farming community move to the capital and lose their moral compass.

The Boxer Germán Bronco Torres loses his license, and works as bouncer at the cabaret El Pirulí, where he falls for the fichera Carmen, and befriends of the pimp Margarito Fuensanta El Vaselinas, who lost a bet and has to pay to a gangsters. For 500 pesos for El Vaselinas, Bronco prepares a trap in the cabaret to the taxi driver Raul, to seduce his girlfriend, not knowing that the victim is his own sister Lupita.


Construction worker falls in love with a handicapped woman who aspires to a career as a singer.
