Ravi Singh

A hero policeman shunted to a punishment posting as the Dean of the police academy decides to punish the corrupt bureaucracy and its criminal allies in return by training five lethal assassin policemen.


The shenanigans of a good-hearted goon and his chums as they try to earn some quick money in the world of local crime in Kerala.


A Bollywood filmmaker and his crew gets stranded in a remote Himalayan village due to torrential downpours. How the intense experiences under siege, affect the filmmaker's thoughts and priorities forms the central theme of the film.


The lives of a vedic scholar Pattabhiramagiri and his family come under threat after a godman and his goons try to displace him from his centuries-old ancestral home as part of building an ashram. The “curse” that befalls Pattabhiraman in the face of opposition leaves him broken, till a mysterious ally lends him his support. Their fight against the evil forces forms the rest of the plot.


Koyelaanchal (coal belt of India) brings to light the explosive story of the people who have kept our precious fuel station at ransom for centuries. Koyelaanchal unveils itself through Saryu Bhan Singh (Vinod Khanna),an ex-owner turned Mafioso of the region, who through his sheer brutality & blatant defiance of law of the land, forces the people & the authorities to acknowledge him as their 'maalik'. Any protest, any voice of dissent against him is dealt with spine chilling violence of epic proportions.
