Ray Butt

Trotters Independent Trading is causing mayhem with their faulty RAJAH computers. Rodders gets a new job at a funeral directors, while Albert and Del hit the health market with their miracle cure body massagers. At the wedding of Trigger's niece, the Trotters hear the tale of Freddy the Frog, a bank robber and close friend of the boys' mother. He left everything in his will to their mum, including missing gold bullion. While Del hunts for treasure, Rodney puzzles over Freddy and his mother's 'friendship' - and a son who would by now be his own age.


Boycie and Abdul pitch a diamond scam to Del Boy, who immediately turns them down. That is until they offer him a £15,000 cut of the estimated £150,000 sale of the stone on the UK market. Del finds himself designated as the courier between Holland and Britain. No sooner has Del enlisted a reluctant Rodders, he hears his old foil Chief Inspector Slater is eyeing Boycie and Abdul as drug dealers. Del decides to hide undetected in the back of Denzil's van. Denzil then getting in and driving them to Hull (pursued by Rodney) was not part of the plan. Thinking quickly, they hire a boat, and let Uncle Albert guide them to Amsterdam. Overcoming counterfeit cash, Albert's amnesia, it's only the arrival of Slater that scuppers them. Despite this, it's Del who has the last laugh.


Reg Trotter, absentee father to Del and Rodney, unexpectedly arrives to celebrate Christmas with his boys. Reg explains that he has been living in Newcastle, and after a visit from the infirmary, was diagnosed with hereditary blood disorder. Scared for their well-being, he decided to tell his two sons. However, several tests later, Reg is given the all clear but it seems Del Boy and Rodders have different blood types. It would seem the wayward father has some explaining to do. Reg explains that he frequently argued with their mother before they split. She had several dalliances with other men, and Del is the mystery child. Fortunately a visit to the family quack gives him news to put the smile back on his face.


Derek Trotter has the Yuletide Blues, and drinks away his loneliness in Spanish night at The Nag's Head. There he meets Heather, who seems to be one friend short of company. Del Boy, ever the gentleman, entertains her and sees her home safely. At her flat he discovers that she has a young son, to a husband who seems to have joined a very long queue at the Job Centre 18 months ago and not come back. In no time at all their romance blossoms, and all is running so smoothly Del decides to propose. However, when he takes her for a candle-lit curry, she refuses his offer of marriage. Her husband has returned, employed as a department store Santa, and she wants to give it another go... leaving Del Boy without an angel for Christmas.


Rodney has ran out of yuletide cheer, as the annual routing of the Trotter festivities are wearing thin. Burnt turkey, charred Christmas pudding, the same old things on television, and nothing but a book lent to him by Mickey Pierce: 'Body Language: The Lost Art.' When Grandad puts on his glad rags and heads to the OAPs' party at the community centre, the Trotter boys head to The Monte Carlo Club. Rodney puts his new-found knowledge of the unspoken language of love to use, but Del Boy has other ideas. As the brothers argue over who's technique is best, the objects of their affections are whisked away from under their noses.


The misadventures of two wheeler dealer brothers Del Boy and Rodney Trotter of “Trotters Independent Traders PLC” who scrape their living by selling dodgy goods believing that next year they will be millionaires.


Citizen Smith is a British television sitcom. The show was written by John Sullivan, who later wrote Only Fools and Horses. The pilot was transmitted on 12 April 1977 in the Comedy Special series of one-off plays, and the series proper ran from 3 November 1977 to 31 December 1980. Citizen Smith starred Robert Lindsay as "Wolfie" Smith, a young Marxist "urban guerrilla" living in Tooting, South London, who is attempting to emulate his hero Che Guevara. 'Wolfie' is a reference to the Irish revolutionary Wolfe Tone who used the pseudonym Citizen Smith in order to evade capture by the English. Wolfie is the self-proclaimed leader of the revolutionary Tooting Popular Front, the goals of which are "Power to the People" and "Freedom for Tooting". In reality, he is an unemployed dreamer and petty criminal whose plans fall through because of laziness and disorganisation.
