Ray Callaghan

The village of Kilcoulins Leap was once a thriving spa town, and was home to a famous Holy Well, but now offers little by way of employment for its people, and its decline seems inexorable. When local Postie, Podger Byrnes, comes up with a plan to hijack a consignment of Viagra, and sell it on the open market in Amsterdam, his friends are desperate enough to try it. Not counting on the muscular response of Viagra's makers, the boys panic and hide the lorry load of Viagra down the town's Holy Well.


Upon discovering that their town is up for sale, crafty Irish villagers scheme to raise the money to prevent the buy-out. They hold a poetry contest with a tempting grand prize -- the deed to their local pub. But what could happen when a duplicitous American rapper emerges as the best poet around?


Wealthy Alexander Moore and working-class Jerry Crowe are childhood friends and in 1914 find themselves in the same Army unit - Alex as an officer and Jerry as a private. They still remain close, however, until Jerry is court-martialed for desertion, and Alex is put in charge of the firing squad.
