Rebecca Marder

Summer 2019. Just graduated from Sciences Po, Madeleine leaves to prepare the orals of the ENA in Corsica with Antoine, her lover with whom she shares very left-wing political convictions. On a small deserted road, an unexpected encounter will seal their fate.

A penniless actress is accused of murdering a famous producer.

Patience Portefeux is a French-Arabic police translator, specialized in phone tappings for the anti-narcotics unit. The job is tough and low-paid, but the commander is charming... One day, whilst listening to wanted drug dealers, she discovers one of them is the son of the fantastic woman who takes care of her mother. She decides to protect him and is brought in the middle of a drug network. When she gets her hands on a huge load of hash, with the help of her new partner, the former police dog DNA, she seizes the opportunity and becomes Mama Weed, drug wholesaler, thanks to her field experience... and all the information she gets in her job!


Suzanne is sixteen. She is bored with people her age. Every day to go to high school, she walks past a theater. There she meets a man older than her who becomes her obsession. Thanks to their age difference, they think they are no longer bored together and fall in love. But Suzanne feels that she risks missing out on her life, that of her sixteen years that she had such a hard time living like the others.

A film about people who have survived the irradiation of war and recommended to those who believe they are immune to it.


Paris, spring 2015. Faustine travels to Syria with her little son to join ISIS; but, once in Raqqa, she soon realizes the hell she is gotten herself into. Her husband Sylvain quickly understands that the French government is powerless to help him, so he plans with some friends a high-risk extraction operation to get his family back.


Rémy and Mélanie are thirty years old and live in the same district in Paris. She multiplies missed appointments on social networks while he struggles to meet. Both victims of this loneliness of the big cities, at the time hyper connected where one thinks however that to meet should be simpler ... Two individuals, two courses. Without knowing it, they take two roads that will lead them in the same direction ... that of a love story?


Temptation and danger run high in this romantic drama. In a post-World War I world, handsome veteran Antoine is ready to live life with his beautiful wife, Marianne. But his happiness is threatened when Marianne's alluring sister, Evelyn, pulls him into a seductive web of deceit and infidelity.


Paule is pushing 50, as she repeatedly observes in her voice-over commentary. When she – a philosophy lecturer with a 10-year marriage and a 15-year-old daughter – learns that her husband is having an affair with a 28-year-old, this number takes on a special weight. The Internet site “L’âme-sœur” is supposed to help Paule get through her burgeoning midlife crisis...


A faithful retelling of the 1942 "Vel' d'Hiv Roundup" and the events surrounding it.


Paris, summer 1942. Irene is Jewish and French. She is 19 and living a life of passions - Her friendships, her new love, her desire to be an actress - Nothing suggests that Irene's time is running out.

A short film by Emmanuel Mouret.