Regitze Estrup

Investigator Jan and profiler Louise constantly move around in the thrilling periphery of a murderer's view as they link a series of killings.


Copenhagen, Denmark, 2018. A frightening discovery is made in an old apartment. The subsequent investigation of Department Q members leads them to an infamous institution for girls that was suddenly closed in the early sixties.


Frederik is the headmaster of a private school and one day he is being accused of stealing 12 million Danish crowns from the school. But everything is not as simple as it might seem. Frederik has been living with a tumor in his brain for the last 3 years and it has changed his personality. Now his wife Mia and the defense lawyer Bernard have to try and get Frederik acquitted of all charges.


With his first Dogma-95 film director Lars von Trier opens up a completely new film platform. With a mix of home-video and documentary styles the film tells the story of a group of young people who have decided to get to know their “inner-idiots” and thus not only facing and breaking their outer appearance but also their inner.
