Ren Seidō

Roman Porno from 1983

A moonlight skinny-dipping session between two carefree high schoolers leads to a young boy being accused of a violent assault on his female classmate. After throwing a teacher to the ground, he stomps out of the school gates and spends his summer break roaming a beachside town. Falling down a rabbit hole into a dark, oppressive world of sex and violence, he is taken in by a bar-owner and his libidinous mistress. Meanwhile, the teacher he assaulted hunkers down in a rented villa in the same coastal resort, awaiting a secret tryst with her married lover. What will happen when the student and teacher meet again?


Naoko is getting a lot of obscene phone calls, so she decides to stay at her girlfriend Mari's home for awhile, afraid of a rape attack. But the telephone calls don't stop, and the mysterious pervert caller is bothering her there too. Naoko reluctantly agrees to meet meet him at a local restaurant, hoping the man will stop. When she arrives, Naoko is surprised to find the café is operated by Harada, a man whom she and Mari had liked so much in the past that, in fact, they had cat fights over him at their working places. It was due to a love triangle scuffle that they had been both fired from their previous jobs.

A young girl named Mimei is working hard to get as many “penis prints” as possible. She’s been collecting these works of art since high school, and her goal is to get 100 prints before her arranged marriage within the next month. Seeking help from her lesbian friends Masumi and Rei, she begins chasing various men around Japan. Mimei finally gets her last man and is met with a challenge! He’ll allow her to make a print of his penis only if she can make him achieve ultimate ecstasy. She accepts, but finds out getting what she needs is a lot harder than she imagined!


A housewife, tired of her husband’s infidelity, embarks on sexual adventures of her own, leading to a climactic masked orgy.


A businessman has a sexual affair with a prostitute. Some thugs are trying to blackmail him and make him agree to pay a large sum of money.


Okoma (literally, Red Cherry) was a woman gambler until she retired from the yakuza world. Two years later, she returns home, and finds that the big boss has been assassinated and his daughter is having trouble keeping things in line against the rival gang headed by the men who killed her father. Okoma decides to avenge her former boss and help his daughter, a former friend of hers. She recruits her own gang, starting with an expert knife-fighter, her former lover. After a fight, the new Gang Leader captures and tortures Okoma sadistically.


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