Renan Fosforoğlu

Kerim lives with his family in a rent house for years. One day his landlord tells him to look for another house or raise the rent money.He finds a house by the help of Sühandan whom he works together and in love.


Selim is a paperboy who delivers the morning papers with his truck. He buys a walkie talkie to find find a friend. His codename is "The Handsome". After a while he meets the girl and they start a relationship. It is hard for them to get married.


A family man, driven to the edge by his inability to financially support his family, is found running about on the street naked. Suddenly, he turns into a nationwide celebrity and an inspiration for millions of people in poverty.


The film depicts the story of a family immigrating from a village to Istanbul. There they meet with new people and have to struggle for life.

Meral is a show girl and drug addict and Yilmaz is a handsome police chief who fights against drug dealers. The tragic reality of the glamorous show world is revealed in the film's story. Meral's boss Haci wants her to spy on Yilmaz. However Meral and Yilmaz fall in love with each other. They work cooperatively and in a police operation headed by Yilmaz Haci and his men are caught wounded, but Meral gets shot.

He is a civil servant in the bland state office. His whole life changes when his reports get mixed up in the hospital and he gets news that he's going to die very soon.


Debut film of Ferdi Tayfur, one of the most popular singers of Turkey. It tells the love story between the son of a poor butler and the daughter of a rich landlord.


A turkish movie about 4 women who went to highschool together.

The film is about the life story of Fatma, a poor girl who lost her family in an accident, when she comes to Istanbul. Fatma comes to Istanbul from Tehran after the death of her family. His goal is to find his uncle here and inherit his father's inheritance from him. Although Fatma finds her uncle, she cannot inherit her father and is forced to work as a maid in this house. His uncle's son Ali and Fatma fall in love with each other and decide to get married. Ali's family sends him to their factory in Iran to prevent this marriage. He also kicks Fatma out of the house.


Turkish adaptation of the novel “Of Mice and Men” by John Steinbeck.
