Renato Moretti

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A father and his son who lived seperated for some time meet each other one day and try to talk their problems over and understand their diametrical differences.


Eddy is the detective of a general store. His girl is Barbara who works in the same store. Barbara receives a gift, a bottle of scent, and later she dies burned. Police detective Turoni begins to investigate and Eddy, wanting to revenge Barbara, does the same. Another girl, Porzia, is murdered in the same way and Eddy finds out that the motive of the crimes dates back some fifteen years.


A group of students from the San Crispino school for boys take a holiday in the United States, traveling from New York trough Utah all the way to Los Angeles. Young Father Don Buro (Christian De Sica) has great difficulty controlling the youngsters, especially with trouble making ex-student Peo (Jerry Calà) along for the trip, and finds himself distracted by the attractive single mother of one of the boys (Edwige Fenech).


Crime Comedy starring Walter Chiari, Maurizio Arena and Ettore Manni. Directed by Luciano Ercoli in 1977, but shelved when producer Niccolo De Nora was kidnapped... ironically the theme of the movie. A band of criminals plan one final heist, to kidnap a wealthy French businessman.


After witnessing the brutal murder of his entire family by Native Americans as a child, Jeremiah Bridger becomes a merciless Indian-killer and scalp hunter. After saving the life of a beautiful Native American girl named Tune, however, the lone and silent gunman slowly reconsiders his hatred. He starts to doubt his former persuasion, that it was really Indians, who killed his family, and soon has to find out that a greedy and unscrupulous landowner usually blames Native Americans for his own crimes.


In a small western town our hero Durango (Tab Hunter) delivers his prisoner to the jailhouse and then goes to the local saloon where the lady saloon owner Joanne has eyes only for him. But Durango only has eyes for his bride-to-be Lucy. Four masked men attack Lucy's father's farm and steal Lucy's dowry. They kill Lucy and her parents after the father strips the face mask from one of the bandits. A pocket watch is stripped from one of the bandits by Lucy's father and this is the only clue that Durango will have to revenge his love... With Joanne's help can Durango avenge himself?


After Cacopoulos manages to save himself from being hung on a false charge, he robs Cat Stevens and Hutch Bessy of a lot of money and steals their horses. This results in a merry chase and Stevens and Bessy become unwilling allies in Cacopoulus' revenge against the people who deserted him and framed him to get their money back.


In the 21st century, aliens with mind-control powers attempt to take over the earth.


Scientists try to prevent a collision between Earth and a planet that is heading for it.


A rogue cop must stop a scientist from taking over the world with his deadly female robots, who are shrinking the world leaders.
