
An out-of-town heist becomes a nightmare for a crew of French burglars when they mistakenly rob the head of the Chicago mafia. Unaccustomed to the ways of the American underworld, it is not long before they have the mafia, the FBI and a couple of street gangs on their backs as they attempt to make their way back to Paris.


French singer/songwriter Renaud comment and give his explanations about various video footage that have been made about him over the years.


It's mid 19th century, north of France. The story of a coal miner's town. They are exploited by the mine's owner. One day the decide to go on strike, and then the authorities repress them


Concert of Renaud at Zenith 86

A young French teenage girl after moving to a new city falls in love with a boy and is thinking of having sex with him because her girlfriends have already done it.


La reine de France meurt en couche. Elle met au monde un petite fille prénommée Blanche-neige. Le roi deçu de n'avoir pas un fils est résolu à faire disparaître sa progéniture mais c'est sans compter sur la protection de nombreux personnages de la littérature enfantine : les fées, Tarzan, Robin des Bois ou d'autres encore...


Filmmaker William Klein documents the Paris student riots that occurred in May of 1968.


In this deceptively simple, nearly wordless tale, a young boy discovers a stray balloon, which seems to have a mind of its own, on the streets of Paris. The two become inseparable, yet the world’s harsh realities finally interfere. With its glorious palette and allegorical purity, this Academy Award-winning short film has enchanted young and old for generations.
