René Lacourt

Monsieur Hulot, Jacques Tati’s endearing clown, takes a holiday at a seaside resort, where his presence provokes one catastrophe after another. Tati’s masterpiece of gentle slapstick is a series of effortlessly well-choreographed sight gags involving dogs, boats, and firecrackers; it was the first entry in the Hulot series and the film that launched its maker to international stardom.


Aged penniless actors are living in a old people's home. They always talk about their past glory or failures. One day Raphael Saint-Clair comes; he has been a famous actor and had a lot of love affairs. Passions come back, and jealousies... A bitter film about aging, failure and the entertainment.


After finding and adopting a child, a man gets a job at an all-girls school which doesn't allow families. Once the girls find the baby, they become his forty little mothers. At the same time, the child's true mother searches for him.


Doctor Planturel who is leaving for a vacation, hires a new servant too hastily. Now, Victor, the alleged domestic, is in fact a robber whose only aim is to burglar the doctor's house. But when a client comes to consult Planturel, he must keep up the appearances. That is why he asks his accomplice Fanchonnet to play the role of the doctor.