Renée Cline

After war breaks out between the U.S. and Russia, the two countries decide to settle the conflict by putting its two best warriors into an arena in a fight to the death.


A Vietnam vet has nightmares about murder and zombies, and then discovers that he and other vets have been programmed to commit crimes and then kill themselves afterwards so they can't be traced. He investigates to try to find out who is responsible.


A film crew shooting a movie finds itself battling against terrorists trying to take over a city.


John Tucker's son travels back in time 30 years to save his father from being killed by thugs he is currently pursuing back in 1990.


The great grandson of the infamous Jack The Ripper is a photographer who murders women in bizarre ways. He photographs them and drinks their blood in order to increase his sexual potency. One day, he meets the girl of his dreams to carry on the family name, but he uses her to lure in more female models to murder and add to his collection. With the body count rising, Erica is unaware of her new boyfriend's hobby, and soon he starts making mistakes.
