Rhet Topham

Mong just moved to New York from China to take over the family laundry shop. Both her professional and social lives are affected when she finds out about an affair happening in the building where she works.

When Fred Krueger is set free on a technicality, the parents of the children he murdered take matters into their own hands, while a high school track star haunted by her mother’s untimely death receives her mother’s amulet that unlocks her ambitions and unleashes vengeance on those who cause her pain.

After being bestowed with demonic powers following a phone call to Hell, a psychotic teacher begins a rampage of death and destruction in a small town, forcing a teen and her boyfriend to fight him off so that they can get away.


People who dial 976-EVIL receive supernatural powers and turn into satanic killers. When Spike dialed 976-EVIL, he knew it was an expensive toll call, but he didn't know that he'd have to pay for it with his soul.


This ghoulish prequel sees the botched trial of Fred Krueger, a repulsive child murderer in the town of Springwood, and the bloody aftermath.

Eddie Weinbauer, an '80s metalhead teen who is bullied at school, looks to his heavy metal superstar idol, Sammi Curr, for guidance. When Curr is killed in a hotel fire, Eddie becomes the recipient of the only copy of Curr's unreleased album, which, when played backwards, brings Sammi back to life. As Halloween approaches, Eddie begins to realize that this isn't only rock 'n roll...it's life and death.
