Ricardo Carrión

Angélica and José Luis have been married for thirty years and they have always lived at the same house; first with their son, Daniel, and now, by themselves. Their daily routine is threatened when José Luis loses a leg in a car accident. When they try to restructure their life, they realize their relation was already fractured and opt for silence. However, they begin a passionate search for all they have lost. José Luis takes refuge in a sexual fantasy about his young nurse, while Angélica tries to remain just as contained as she always has for so many years.


Mario Almada returns as "el fiscal de hierro", in this entry his family is kidnapped by gang leader Ramona Pineda.


When his girlfriend is kidnapped, a shoemaker and his friends will attempt to rescue her.


The sequel to 'La muerte del chacal' finds the murderer from the first film still alive, and back to kill more unsuspecting victims. His brother is once again out to stop him.


The De La Vega's are a wealthy and prestigious family known throughout the territory. When Diego, the youngest son of Don Alejandro de La Vega, returns from his 4 year stay in Spain, he finds him hometown oppressed by the corrupt military forces. The farmers are being run out of their homes and their land is being used as military camps and/or sold off to pay for military supplies and wages, along with taking the poor villagers and using them as slaves. So Diego/Zorro has multiple face offs with the local military and swears to restore order and freedom to the oppressed.


After reading in the newspaper, Úrsulo runs to seek employment. It is the position of caretaker of a luxury apartment building habited by people more heterogeneous: the professional model, the spiritualist, hippies and all turn to him to solve their problems. But someone in the building, kidnapped an important person and Úrsulo becomes a private investigator.


After being accused of murder when his business partner falls to his death, an architect flees from city authorities while trying to clear his name.


In the Old West, a gunfighter punishes the wrongdoers making justice himself, but his mother's words continue to fill his mind: "Justice is divine". Nonetheless, he goes on hanging the culprits, becoming quite famous. When a bunch of outlaws lead by a crooked landlord treats an innocent village and a beautiful girl, the time for the avenger's final mission is arrived.


Fidencio Borer, an apothecary in a village on the northern border of Mexico, discovers some old title of a mine in Arizona and decides to claim them. Trying to cross the border is a border guard intercepted by exaggerating in the line of duty. On the way is captured by a tribe of Apaches and is about to be burned alive, but thanks to the Great Head Horse Lying having toothache and learns that the prisoner it can heal, ordered his release on the condition that the cure. Fidencio would take the wheel and gets the eternal friendship of the Chief apache.


Ambition, social climbing and insincerity shape the emotional climate among a circle of young professionals launching their careers.
