Ricardo Santana Fonseca

Drowned in a dense atmosphere crowded with hoarded objects and memories of a long gone past, mother and daughter share what could be their last night under the same roof.


This short film tells the story of a former university professor diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's. The protagonist wakes up at dawn and begins the morning routine he used to follow during his time as a professor. Later, his wife and son discover him and try to bring him back to present time. In that early morning, the past and the present coexist. Revisiting these wounds, leads the Rivera Dávila family to accept the past, assume the present and heal those diseases that do not concern memory, but the heart.

Reality TV miniseries (Reality TV) that shows the competition between 10 noble actors, 5 female and 5 male, in front of a Panel of Experts; made up of two professional actors, Cristina Sesto and Miguel Ramos, and the National Theater Teacher, Idalia Pérez-Garay, together with the Dean of the Puerto Rican Theater, Dean Zayas. A Production of the Lucy Boscana Dramatic Workshop, WIPR, Department of Economic Development and Commerce, Puerto Rico Film Commission, and the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus.