Riccardo Lombardo

Stubborn and determined detective Valeria Ferro endeavors to solve the challenging puzzle behind crimes motivated by jealousy, vendettas and repressed anger to seek the truth and justice. All as she struggles with her own demons and the phantoms of her past that come back to life when her mother is released from jail after serving a seventeen-year prison sentence.


Keeping the love of our life is harder than winning the lottery. Love is not a matter of ability. It is a matter of fortune. Building our own fortune bears to lasting goals. Being at its mercy can bring very far, but not in the place we wanted to.

In San Salvario, the area in Turin with the largest number of immigrants, an unemployed photographer adapts himself to working for them. They are eager to send their families and friends at home pictures proving their success in Italy. After being fired from the local newspaper and practically penniless, the protagonist gets more sympathy from the San Salvario foreign people than from his fellow citizens, who seem to be only interested in the profit they can make with multi-ethnic contacts.