Richard Kyle

Singles are about four pals: Agus (Ge Pamungkas, Sunda), Bimo (Arie Kriting, Java), Olip (Deva Mahendra, Aceh), and Doni (Richard Kyle, Eurasian) who are studying at University B. These four have one thing in common: they hold singles status, but have different reasons why singling. Problems arise when they desire to have a lover. The formerly beautiful friendship turned into a rivalry. Each has a conflict with his partner.


Pras wants to realize his dreams of having a significant life and career as a journalist, but Jakarta changes everything.


A girl is having life-altering experience and struggle to transform her life the way she wanted to.


A musical drama inspired by the 1956 classic, Tiga Dara.


Betrayed by his business partner, Abi went to jail. Out from prison, he recruits the victims of his competitor, and plans for revenge.


Founded by the power couple, Ali and Sofia Khan, The Light is a training center that claims to be a self-betterment organization, focused on helping youths take charge of their life for a brighter future. But when three best friends join this organization, they soon realize that dark shadows lurk behind The Light and must find a way to escape.
