Richard Wyler

Cross is an old hand at the CIA who often teams up with Frenchman Jean “Scorpio” Laurier, a gifted freelance operative. After their last mission together, the CIA orders Scorpio to eliminate Cross, leaving him no choice but to obey.


Based on the play The Cellist, by Marion Hart, exploring the relationships shared by the residents of a seedy boarding house owned by dour Mrs. Brent. Among them are busker Wanda Fleming, who is flattered by the attention paid her by rebellious pop songwriter wannabe Mickey Hollister, and former schoolmaster James Wallraven, who has been accused of pedophilia and reduced to working as a janitor in an art gallery.


Sumuru, the beautiful leader of the all-female kingdom of Femina, plans to use her women to take over the world.


Anthony Steffen, as a young gunman who works as a circus performer, witnesses the killing of some outlaws, carried out by their leader and is credited with the deed. Steffen suffers from a complex which blocks him in front of any violence and makes him appear cowardly, so when a young boy is kidnapped he must find a way to regain his composure.


Lady Lorraine Lister, a financer of expensive experiments, has discovered a way to obtain pure diamonds by the means of a radiation device. She hires five renowned scientists to participate in additional experiments regarding this new contrivance. However, it soon happens that the device is stolen, and the scientists mysteriously disappear! Agent Dick Smart is called in by the CIA to track down the scientists and recover the device. With the help of incredible gadgets and lots of bravado, he manages to locate the source of an underground operation in Rio De Janeiro: an operation headed by a mysterious man with a speaking device fastened to his throat.


A cowboy accused of robbery and murder escapes execution and becomes a notorious outlaw while searching for the real culprits.


A gang of Mexican bandits make trouble for the owner of a gold mine, so he hires on a gunfighter.


Escaped outlaw Jose Gomez returns to his home town pursued by bounty killer Luke Chilson. The towns people protect Gomez, unaware, at first, that he is now a changed and dangerous man.


Revak is an Iberian prince from Penda, a small island where the Carthagian fleet ransacked and enslaved the surviving native men, including him. After an eventful passage aboard a galley, Revak becomes an elephant driver in Carthage city, and could become the favorite of mighty women, but has only one thirst: bloody revenge, at all cost, so the barbarian makes common cause with the attacking Romans, Carthage's historical enemy and rival for Mediterranean hegemony, scorning love...


Two reporters, a youth and a girl, find romance during interviews with relatives and friends of passengers in an ill-fated airliner.


After he accidentally causes the death of his partner, trapeze artist Bill Ryan (Richard Wyler) leaves the circus and sinks into an alcoholic mire of self-pity. Things look up when elegant Jackie Field (Lisa Daniely) takes interest in Bill, but she hides a sinister motive. Ignoring Kitty (Leigh Madison), the shopgirl who adores him, Bill falls for Jackie and joins her gang of thieves, but the daring stunt she has him perform may lead to disaster.


En route to Normandy, an American and a British officer reminisce in flashback about their romances with the same woman.


Drama set during the Korean War, released in 1955.


The downward spiral of the quality of films Paulette Goddard appeared in in the 1950's would cause a gravitational blackout to anyone viewing them in a single day, but with some of the all-time great schlock names serving as the producers---Sam Katzman, the Danziger brothers, Albert Zugsmith and---gasp---Sigmund Neufeld--- the results easily met the low expectations.


Irishman Charles Wogan wields his sword in the cause of James Stuart who seeks to replace George I on the throne of England.


Jungle Jim does battle with a would-be diamond smuggler and a renegade tribe.


Freshly arrived Sandhurst-trained Captain Alan King, better versed in Pashtun then any of the veterans and born locally as army brat, survives an attack on his escort to his Northwest Frontier province garrison near the Khyber pass because of Ahmed, a native Afridi deserter from the Muslim fanatic rebel Karram Khan's forces. As soon as his fellow officers learn his mother was a native Muslim which got his parents disowned even by their own families, he falls prey to stubborn prejudiced discrimination, Lieutenant Geoffrey Heath even moves out of their quarters, except from half-Irish Lt. Ben Baird.


The wicked Alain plots an elaborate revenge against his younger brother Edmund, leading to a deadly confrontation in his dungeon deathtrap.


Louisa May Alcott's autobiographical account of her life with her three sisters in Concord Mass in the 1860s. With their father fighting in the civil war, the sisters: Jo, Meg, Amy and Beth are at home with their mother - a very outspoken women for her time. The story is of how the sisters grow up, find love and find their place in the world.


Athletic adaptation of Alexandre Dumas' classic adventure about the king's musketeers and their mission to protect France.


Bulldog Drummond investigates the murder of a sea captain who died before revealing the location of his hidden gold.
