Rick May

After a decade of dustbowls and gravel pits, it’s time to pack your snorkel, find your flip-flops, and endure a series of painful yellow fever vaccinations to your abdomen, because Team Fortress is heading to the tropics!


The BLU team are watching a cheesy black and white sci-fi film in a barn one night, but their movie is interrupted by a Intergalactic invaders threatening the planet.


BLU team sends a runaway train with bombs on it down the mountain to destroy RED's base. Can the RED team stop the train before it crashes into their explosive barrels?


Engineer and Medic make an unsettling new discovery while experimenting with the teleporter. Meanwhile, Scout stops insulting Spy long enough to ask him an embarrassing favor; the Administrator's clerical assistant/cleaner/murder expert Miss Pauling races to bury some incriminating bodies; and Soldier makes a new metal friend.

The last member of the Team Fortress 2 cast is introduced our favorite arsonist, the Pyro.

The BLU Spy warns the other mercenaries of the danger of the RED Spy after finding a dead colleague.

We finally get a good look at the life of the Heavy's prized Sandvich.

In this Team Fortress 2 short, we get to meet the Soldier. He is a patriotic man that emphasizes how much he loves war.

Nine mercenaries prepare and participate in a war started by two feuding brothers, Redmond and Blutarch Mann. Subsequently starting individual feuds between the members of the teams, Red and Blu.

Nine mercenaries are cast into a feud of two brothers, getting them into individual feuds.

In this Team Fortress 2 short, we get to meet the Engineer. He gives us a brief description on what he does for his team.

A surreal portrait of a Catholic Private School and its hierarchy. A new student must submit to the bizarre rituals of his peers and the expectations of the school's administration by selling chocolates.
