Rita Klein

A group of drop-outs, losers and criminals are travelling in a stolen Mercedes seemingly aimlessly along numerous derelict houses and impassable roads to eventually end up on an old decaying state farm in Crimea, the southern tip of the former Soviet Union, where the mother, wife and daughter of one of them live. The men kill time with smoking, drinking and staring in front of them, but an undercurrent tension is brewing. On the last night they have a party that is equally destructive as their life


Christian Blackwood's fascination with the open road has led him to visit some interesting places and even more interesting people, several of whom are the subjects of this unique documentary. It's a road movie set just off the road, at the type of unassuming overnight lodging most travelers take for granted. The director's natural curiosity enables him to separate uncommon individuals (mostly women) from their otherwise common surroundings: a trio of owner/managers in Santa Fe; the wives and girlfriends of men behind bars in Florence, Arizona (including one touching May/December romance); and (best of all) the eccentric dancer who, single-handedly, revived the old Amargosa Opera House in the semi-ghost town of Death Valley Junction, California. The film is a reminder that everyone has a story to tell, and those related here are too unusual to be anything but the truth.


A woman is chased onto the ramparts of a castle by a gun-toting figure. She stumbles and falls to her death. Barbara, the mentally unbalanced owner of the castle, is the main suspect. However, there is no proof against her and the murders continued. But not everything is quite as it seems. The film is set in the Balsorano Castle and is shot in expressionistic black-and-white.


Clips, a bounty killer, is after one John Coler, who has fooled him, keeping all of a loot he should have shared with him. He finally catches his prey only to discover that the man is a Coler all right but not the expected one. He is actually the outlaw's honest younger brother Bill, who works in a traveling circus. Will Clip be able to find the stolen gold? Maybe ... but only if a gang of vicious Mexican bandits - to say nothing of Bill's circus troupe - allow him to. Which they do not seem willing to do.


A photographer and his models go to an old, abandoned castle for a photo shoot. Unbeknownst to them, the castle is inhabited by a lunatic who believes himself to be the reincarnated spirit of a 17th-century executioner whose job it is to protect the castle against intruders.
