Rita Wolf

A struggling actress in New York City takes a job as a phone sex operator.


Sanjay Kak explores life with artists Rita Wolf, Parv Bancil, and Faruk and Harun Shamser of Joi Bangla Crew as they struggle for a place in the sun. Three decades after South Asians first came to Britain in the 1960s, this compelling film follows a new generation of young creatives, and examines the endless rehearsals that go into the construction of identity.

Slipstream is a 1989 post-apocalyptic science fiction adventure film. The plot has an emphasis on aviation and contains many common science-fiction themes, such as taking place in a dystopian future in which the landscape of the Earth itself has been changed and is windswept by storms of great power. There are also numerous sub-plots, such as free will and humanity amongst artificial intelligence.


Saleem, an elderly psychiatric patient, is partially paralysed and unable or unwilling to speak. When Kamala, a new student nurse, arrives, he begins to respond, encouraged by her gentle reassurance, and their common cultural identity.

A British-Pakistani man renovates a rundown laundrette with his male lover while dealing with drama within his family, the local Pakistani community, and a persistent mob of skinheads.


Comedy featuring interweaving stories of seven households caught up in a property chain on moving day, each one dependent on the other.


Cultural identity, women’s independence and the pressure to conform to British norms are the subjects of this bold and acute feature, which explores both British-Asian experience and the plight of recent immigrants. Rita Wolf (My Beautiful Laundrette), plays Majdhar, a Pakistani woman who transforms herself in London after her husband leaves her for another woman. While Majdhar feels her way towards confident self-determination, husband Afzal is torn between his heritage and his Western aspirations.
