Riz Abbasi

The story of the life of Domino Harvey, who abandoned her career as a Ford model to become a bounty hunter.


Finds Indy vagabonding around the South Pacific on a treasure hunt for a fabled lost diamond. The war in Europe ends but a new adventure begins for Indy when a mysterious man's dying words, "The eye of the peacock!" send him and Remy on a thrilling treasure hunt for one of Alexander the Great's most prized possessions. Pursued by a dangeroud one-eyes man, Indy follows the trail of the diamond from London to Alexandria to the South Seas, where he has a run-in with a murderous band of Chinese pirates. The shipboard battle that ensues is a spectacular display of swords, guns and flying fists. Marooned by the priates on a remote desert island, Indy is captured by savage headhunters, but before they can turn him into a shrunken head and cannibal stew, he is rescued by anthropologist Bronislaw Malinowski, and makes a life-altering decision.


Labour councillor Judith Silver invites N.K. Edwards and Vijay Shah to stand for election to the local council. Who will win the seat? And will Tory councillor Edward Feathers have the last laugh?