Robert Bronzi

Artist and filmmaker Julian Rosefeldt creates elaborately staged films that investigate the power of language and the conventions of cinema as an allegory for societal and individual behaviors. With the multi-channel film installation Euphoria he continues this examination by exploring capitalism, colonialism, and the influential effects of unlimited economic growth in society.

After the death of his brother, Mick travels to America to seek Justice. Wrongly convicted of extortion and attempted murder, Mick is sent to Pleasant Hill Penitentiary's notorious death block 13. Seething with revenge after discovering the truth behind his brother's death, Mick's rage ignites an explosive riot as he makes a daring escape from death block 13.

An ambitious reporter (Emily Sweet) is given an exclusive interview with one of the FBI’s Most Wanted.


A notorious gunslinger is slipped a slow-acting poison by an heiress and told he has three days to track down and rescue her sister, who has been kidnapped by a gang of hoodlums and holds the antidote.


A vigilante with a mysterious past becomes a one-man army in a crime-infested town as he takes the law into his own hands, at the same time protecting a young mother and her daughter. He sets his sights on a local kingpin, setting up an action-packed and fateful confrontation.


A psychotic killer has found a new hunting ground. A place where people frequently go missing so his murders can go un-noticed. The American frontier. The wild west has never been wilder as it encounters its first serial killer. A deranged psychopath slaughters his way through a mining town in the Sierra mountains. A law man is on his trail and is ready to serve justice. What he doesn’t know, is that this killer could be... Jack the Ripper.


When a prominent family is terrorized by a demonic force, a priest that the Vatican calls upon to do their dirty work has to root out the evil, soon realizing that the solution to this mystery is tied to his own past.