Robert Doyle

A baby alligator is flushed down a toilet and survives by eating discarded lab animals that have been injected with growth hormones. The now gigantic animal escapes the city sewers and goes on a rampage, pursued by a cop and a big-game hunter.


In this sequel to Dawn: Portrait of a Teenage Runaway, Alexander's story is told in both the past and the present. Alexander's parents send him away from home for being too sensitive and not helping enough on their farm. He goes to Los Angeles in hopes of going to art school, but when he can't find a job as a minor, he turns to prostitution. After being arrested, he wants to head to Arizona to marry Dawn, but he falls into a lucrative job/relationship with a gay football star.


In this pilot film, an Irish Catholic police chief and a Jewish rabbi join together to solve the murder of a housekeeper whose body was discovered by the front entrance of the rabbi's synagogue.


A man who is the pillar of his community has a secret - he has a compulsion to make obscene telephone calls.
