Robert Dunbar

Returning home from the Great War, "Breezy" Hart (Fred Humes) and his shell-shocked buddy Frank Wilcox (Ralph McCullough) discover the Wilcox property in the hands of evil Sam Hardy (William Norton Bailey). Frank, who is the rightful heir to the ranch, goes into hiding, while "Breezy" takes a job in the ranch kitchen. Learning of Frank's whereabouts, Hardy plots to have the young heir killed. Luckily, Breezy overhears the villain plotting with his henchmen and is able to rescue his friend. Hardy and his men are arrested, and Frank, now cured of his illness, is reunited with his girl, June Marston (Nita Cavalier). Breezy, meanwhile, is busy romancing his kitchen staff colleague, Mary Jane (Louise Lorraine).


A tramp cares for a boy after he's abandoned as a newborn by his mother. Later the mother has a change of heart and aches to be reunited with her son.


Leslie MacLeod (Kathryn Adams) comes to England from the U.S. so that she can settle financial affairs with Lord Glenayr (Jack Holt), whom she has never met. She encounters Duke Lanzana (Fred Malatesta), who sees her as a way to pay off his mounting debts. He captures her and then heads to a nearby cape to steal a buried treasure that actually should belong to the MacLeods.

Tom Mix plays Jack Kilmeny, an Englishman who owns a gold claim in the U.S. Jack has two problems -- his worthless partner Curly (Jack Nelson), and the British company on the land next to his who hope to jump his claim.

Bobby Burnit, a naïve young man, inherits $300,000 from his father, a hard-working entrepreneur. Because the will specifies that the money must be invested, Agnes Elliston, Bobby's sweetheart, suggests that he take over his father's chain of stores. Soon Bobby becomes the dupe of various swindlers and charlatans, among them Sam Stone and Bobby's shady lawyer. With the help of Bobby's friend Biff Bates and Daniel Johnson, a loyal employee of Bobby's father, the swindlers are exposed in the newspaper and Bobby's inheritance is saved. Finally, after rescuing Agnes from Stone's advances, Bobby proposes to her, thus complying with all of his late father's wishes. -From Database, powered by the AFI.

The disowned son of a wealthy family is tried for the murder...