Robert E. Hopkins

A horse breeder's (Lionel Barrymore) granddaughter (Jean Harlow) falls in love with a gambler (Clark Gable) in Saratoga Springs, N.Y.


A beautiful singer and a battling priest try to reform a Barbary Coast saloon owner in the days before the big earthquake.


When Prohibition ends, a barber tries to get in the liquor business only to come up against mobsters.


The dim-witted son of a heroic fire chief tries to follow in his late father's footsteps, only to become the unknowing pawn of corrupt politicians.


A dim-witted slumlord tries to reform a gang of urban boys (and impress an attractive young woman) by transforming their rough neighborhood into a more decent place.


A guilt-ridden U.S. Marine returns to Cuba to try to find the woman he promised to marry.


A widow's decision to run for mayor kicks off a battle of the sexes in a small town.


After catching their husbands with other women, two wives go on a girls-only vacation.


In this holiday short, Jackie Cooper wants to throw a Christmas party for his friends on his football team but doesn't know how to go about it. His fellow stars at MGM decide to help him out.


A woman and her family leave their hick-town to help her sister out in the big-city beauty parlour. There is a bit of a culture shock.


A radio announcer gets caught up with a fake clairvoyant and his gang of thieves.


Landladies Polly Smith and Marie Jones, who operate boardinghouses on the same side of the street, are afflicted with numerous petty envies and jealousies but nevertheless are the best of friends. Polly invests in the stock market and begins to reap rewards, but she is unable to persuade Marie to use her life's savings to buy shares of American Cheese or Brazilian Bananas. Meanwhile, Marie's daughter, Genevieve, and Polly's son, William, just back from college, fall in love; but an argument between the ladies breaks up the romance; and smarting under Polly's patronizing manner, Marie plunges into the market herself and with the winnings is able to stage a society splurge at a fashionable resort.

When a shipping clerk is recruited by his employer to help his golf game, his boss insists he conceal his humble identity at the country club.


The road-show troupe of a top Broadway show go cross-country while taking the audience along on the on-stage scenes as well as what happens and is happening back stage of the production. The spectacular dancing ensembles and colorful costumes and pulchritude on-stage offers a contrasting background to the drabness of the backstage, where joy, sorrow, tragedies, deception, and romance are intertwined.


Child entertainers perform several song and dance numbers in this musical short.


A chorus girl gets bad advice from her fellow chorines in handling a rich suitor who assumes she is a gold digger.


An all-star revue featuring MGM contract players.
