Robert F. Hill

An edited version of the 1938 Universal serial "Flash Gordon's Trip to Mars" that was released to TV in a syndication package in 1966.


Re-edited, feature film version of the 1933 serial, Tarzan the Fearless, sold to television in the mid-1960's.


Director Joseph M. Newman's 1959 version of the Edgar Rice Burroughs tale stars Denny Miller as the jungle vine-swinger.


Police sergeants Johnson and McManus take on Los Angeles confidence tricksters. Con man Tony Wells, lining up rich widow Jessica Royce as his latest mark, sets up a false paranormal society with other charlatans to convince the credulous Jessica that her late son is speaking to her through their sham seances. When the plan leads to murder, Johnson and McManus must bring the group down before they kill again.


Billy Carson and Fuzzy Jones have just collected a reward and Fuzzy indulges in a dream of getting away from the hectic life he has been leading and wants to settle down. They arrive in Red Rock just as the newspaper is being sold at foreclosure and, despite the attempts by Lafe Barlow to intimidate him from bidding. Fuzzy finds himself the owner of a newspaper. Fuzzy meets Edith Martin, daughter of the former owner, and unthinkingly commits himself to carrying on her father's policy of bringing a telegraph line to Red Rock. For reason of his own, Barlow is against this and has his henchmen wage a campaign of terror against the ranchers and citizens. Before long, Billy who had been lazily indifferent to everything connected to Fuzzy and his newspaper, decides to take a hand on the side of the good guys.


Muggs, Glimpy and the rest of the Kids set about to Americanize affable young French refugee Jean Rogers. But after a disastrous baseball game, Jean is chased out of the neighborhood and told not to return.


Texas Ranger O'Brien has an outlaw twin brother. When his sibling is killed, O'Brien assumes his identity in order to infiltrate a gang of stagecoach robbers.


Dorn is after the rancher's land and is trying to stop Banker Brady from helping them. When his man Hammond kills Brady, there is a run on the bank. When Rocky volunteers to ride to the next town for money, he is ambushed by Dorn's men, loses his memory, and is jailed for supposedly stealing the money.


Carpathian Count Alucard is invited to the U.S. by a young heiress. Her boyfriend and local officials are suspicious of the newcomer, who is interested in the "virile" soil of the new world.


In the 19th and last of the PRC "Billy the Kid" series (first six with Bob Steele and last 13 with Buster Crabbe), a feud develops between the settlers and the railroad detectives in Red Rock Valley. Clem Barstow sends for Billy the Kid and Fuzzy Jones to help. Buster suspects that Ward Tragg, chief of the railroad detectives, and Luther Sharp, land agent for the Western Railroad Company, are defrauding the settlers without the knowledge or sanction of the company. Billy and the settlers rustle off cattle, which have been illegally confiscated by Tragg and his men, in order to raise money for Barstow to bid on a ranch which Sharp is illegally auctioning off. Billy discovers that the purchase price on the deed has been altered and Barstow writes the company to send a man to investigate. When Tragg learns about this, he makes plans to kidnap the railroad official.


A gang of tough street kids decide to go straight and get jobs in order to free draft-age men for the war effort. However, because of their past tangles with the law, they can't find anybody who'll hire them. Finally one of them gets a job at the department store where his sister works, but runs afoul of a store executive who is in league with a ring of hijackers.


The East Side Kids try to fix up a house for newlyweds, but find the place next door "haunted" by mysterious men.


Billy the Kidd is framed for murder.


Texas Rangers Tex Wyatt, Jim Steele and Panhandle Perkins are sent to the district of Rawhide to investigate the killings of several ranchers. Tex enters the town posing as a tramp while the other two Rangers join a troupe of itinerant minstrels.


Blackie is arrested when retrieving stolen gems from a safety deposit box for a friend.


Tom Cameron learns that his twin brother is with a group of German spies. They intend to thwart the government's efforts to round up horses for military service.


A 4F military school teacher's lie about being accepted for active duty causes problems on the home front.


Lupe VĂ©lez plays a dual role, twin sisters Rita and Elaine. After escaping a torpedoed ship, Rita shows up in Manhattan, where she takes the place of her Broadway-star twin sister Elaine (both parts played by Lupe VĂ©lez), who's having problems with her marriage and needs to make a getaway. Neither Elaine's husband or Rita's saxophone-player boyfriend are aware of the switch.


A group of young men who work at an aviation factory begin to suspect that a doctor who runs an air ambulance service is secretly a spy transporting secret information from the plant to enemy agents.


In this western, a rancher's son rides out for revenge against the rustlers who killed his father. The pursuit stretches between Montana to Arizona and it becomes more difficult because though the son knows the killer's name, he has never seen his face. Fortunately, the killer doesn't know what the son looks like either.


After living all his chilhood in the street, a young boy notices rapidly that crime doesn't pay and that´s why he decides to become a policeman. One day, one of his best friends go in prison for a murder he didn't commit. Immediately the policeman tries his best to release him and prove his innocence.


Overland mail riders Jack Mason and his pal, Porchy, learn that an Indian uprising is imminent because one of the tribe has been murdered by a gang of outlaws. The primary town of the mail route is also being used as a hideout and base of operations for a gang of counterfeiters led by Joe Polini. Jack and an undercover federal agent, Duke Evans, round up the counterfeiters and turn Polini over to the Indian Chief as the killer of the brave.


Manuel and Carga are after the hidden map of a gold mine which is somewhere in the hacienda willed to Manuel's brother, Don Careta. Following the third midnight raid on his home, Don Careta is fearful for the safety of his daughter Wanda, and sends for Jack Martin to help him.

Tom Keene, formerly George Duryea and latterly Richard Powers, made his final starring appearance in the Monogram western The Painted Trail. Keene is cast as a former federal agent who is drawn out of retirement to stem the activities of smugglers Boss (Leroy Mason) and Driscoll (Walter Long). Disguising himself as an outlaw, our hero gains the confidence of the two desperadoes, only to be found out at the least appropriate time. Rest assured that Keene saves the day and manages to march ingenue Ann (Eleanore Stewart) to the altar.


Feature version of the 1938 film serial FLASH GORDON'S TRIP TO MARS: Flash Gordon fights Ming the Merciless once again to ensure the survival of the Earth.


A 15-episode serial starring Buster Crabbe.


An undercover Texas Ranger runs into trouble when he learns that the murderer he's trailing has a twin brother.

Ken and Happy, looking for their friend Cherokee, run into an outlaw gang led by Ritter who have been terrorizing the ranchers. Ken figures that one of the prominent citizens is the real boss and sets a trap to find him.


A lumberjack knocks out a champion boxer in a brawl, gets drawn into the boxing world where he is unknowingly set up for a fixed fight.


A 15 episode serial in which Blake battles the "Scorpion" over possession of a 'death ray' machine.


A man who's a dead ringer for the leader of an outlaw gang kills the gang leader, then takes his place to try to bring the gang to justice.


A lawman poses as an outlaw, steals $10,000 from a cattle thief, then promises to return the money if he can join the gang--while finding a way to expose them.


Two cowboys come upon a boy whose father has just been murdered. They promise to help find his killers.


Millionaire Larry Duane (Bruce Bennett billed under his real name of Herman Brix) is posing as his own chauffeur while touring the West and meets Molly Hennessey (Joan Barclay.) They have a small romance until it is ended when her father (Sam Adams) strikes oil and moves his family east to satistify his wife's social aspirations. Larry also return east to close his estate for the summer, but stays on, still posing as the chauffeur, when he learns that Molly's family is renting the place. He immediately suspects the phony friends they have gathered to be con men.


Idaho, returning to the area he left as a boy, gets in the middle of a range feud. He takes the side of Endicott. On the other side is Hollister who is unaware that Idaho is his long lost son.


A mysterious killer known as The Fiend uses an unusual bullet as his trademark for his murders.


Someone is adding beef to Rocky Brown's herds and changing the brands to make it look like he is rustling. Then he is framed for murder and jailed. Johnny Argyle who has been sent to investigate believes he is innocent and sets out to prove it and starts with hides that have been rebranded.


The Government sends Dean, Baxter, and Gordon to investigate a series of train holdups. Travis is behind the robberies and they are soon on his trail. When things get hot, Travis has a plan of double-crossing his own men that will enable him to keep not only his gold but also the money it is insured for.


A man has died leaving a fortune somewhere on his ranch. Brandon and his cohorts think a map is hidden in a picture frame. But when they bid on the picture at the auction, newcomer Jerry Lane outbids them. He also buys the ranch so they place their housekeeper there to get the picture. And then to keep Jerry out of the way, they frame him for murder.


A boxer is framed for murder after an opponent dies in the ring.


A cowboy hears rumors that an old friend who once headed a criminal gang and had since gone straight is now back on the wrong side of the law. He goes to investigate.


When a gang tries to rob Haldain, Jim and Walla Walla break it up. Haldain is carrying stuffed animals and Jim's suspicion that they are stuffed with gold is soon confirmed. The gang's boss is banker Cutting and he is after Haldain's gold. He also receives Jim's mail at his bank and changes one of Jim's letters to make it look like Jim is after the gold. His sends Haldain's daughter after her father thereby leading the gang to the secret gold field.


A mad killer is on the loose in a hotel on a dark, gloomy night.


Martin Granville Jr. (Bruce Bennett), a star track-and-field athlete, has intentions of going to Claxton College, but changes his mind when he meets Pat Meredith (Jeanne Martel), a co-ed at a rival college, changes his mind team and goes to college there, just as his father Martin GRanville Sr. (Sam Flint), an alum of the school, had wished. But his father has ordered him not to play football. "Dad" Granville, has offered a $100,000 endowment to his old school, not knowing his son has joined the football team, but is going to withdraw it if his son plays in the Big Game against Claxton.


Feature version of the 1936 serial starring Bela Lugosi.


Feature version of the 1936 serial "Shadow of Chinatown."


Fighter "Scotty" McQuade, contender for the light-heavyweight championship of the Pacific Coast,after being duped by his manager Ted Todd and fight-promoter Lew Slater, is disgusted with the fight game and decides to go back to punching cattle. He gets a job on the ranch owned by Colonel Hayden, where he once again encounters Slater, who has a crooked deal going that will cause Hayden to lose his ranch. With the aid of the Colonel's daughter, Betty Rose, and his pal "Frozen-Face" Cohen, McQuade breaks jail on a framed charge and puts an end to Slater's crooked dealings.


Madcap society girl June Bolton has a talent for trouble. Trying to evade a subpoena in connection with one of her misadventures, she winds up in jail and has to be bailed out by the family attorney, Dick Clayton. But June is soon in trouble again, this time involved with a mob boss and a shady lady. Exasperated by his wealthy client's reckless escapades, Clayton determines to quit... until he realizes he has fallen in love with the little madcap.


A secret apparatus that controls bombs by remote control is stolen from a laboratory. A federal agent is assigned to recover it, and his investigation leads him to a creepy mansion that is honeycombed with secret passage ways.


A 12-chapter serial built around stock footage from a 1922 silent serial, "The Jungle Goddess",young David Worth and Joan Lawrence are children with a group of explorers that are seeking African radium deposits. They are playing in the basket of the party's air balloon when the bag takes off with Joan aboard, last seen sailing over the back-lot jungle. This puts a chill on the expedition and all hands return to whence they came. The end of chapter 1, "Lost in the Clouds", finds Marilyn's balloon being shot down by the flaming arrows of a native tribe. Chapter 2,"Radium Rays", reveals that Joan survived her descent and the tribe named "the child from the sky" as their queen and priestess.A flash forward of about 18 years finds that the now-adult David has returned to Africa to search for his long-lost childhood friend.He hits the trail and is quickly captured by the tribesmen and is brought to their sadistic ruler,who turns out to be a now-grown Joan. Unaware of his or her own true ...


A football star grown up in the East goes West in order to meet his father. He discovers that his parent and his three half-brothers are now notorious outlaws .


Sheriff Bill Jones, in the line of duty, kills outlaw Joe Land and adopts his young son, Tim. They come upon a former silver boomtown, reputed to be haunted, whose only inhabitant is Hiram McDuff, a friend of Bill's. Ranch owner Joan Stanley hires Bill and Tim. Her father has been killed by the gang of Wolf Larson. By mistake, McDuff hires the Larson gang on as ranch hands for Joan. They plan to steal the stock while Bill is away. Tim overhears the plot and informs Bill. Bill and Tim use ghost makeup, skeleton sheets (even outfitting their horses with skeleton-looking blankets) and tricks to rout the superstitious gang members...


Dyer is buying ranches and then retrieving his check by having his gang kill the owner. Bob Worth arrives just as Buck Morton is killed and gets blamed for the murder. Fleeing from the Sheriff, Bob teams up with the Mexican outlaw Golinda. Having seen Dyer pay off his men, he has a plan to trap him and Golinda is just the man he needs to make it work.


Henry Jethrow is after the Wilson ranch. He has George Wilson unknowningly sign a note for the ranch, has him killed, and then presents the note. The Pinto Kid, investigating cattle rustlers, accidentally drops his glove at the murder scene and now has a price on his head. He has Beth Wilson turn him and use the reward money to reclaim the note. Now he has to escape jail and find the real killers.


Lloyd Wilson, trusted employee of an investment firm, is suspected of theft when $20,000 in security bonds is stolen from his office. Tarzan, the Famous Police Dog, has an intuitive dislike of an apparently respectable citizen, and this leads Wilson and the police to the gang headquarters. Tarzan wins a public citation for his leading part in breaking the case against a desperate gang of criminals.


Buck's friend Sheriff Simpson is after the Juarez Kid. Buck knows the Kid and the Sheriff's description does not fit. Buck then meets a one time outlaw who is now the Sheriff's deputy and thinks he is posing as the Kid. When a rancher is killed by the supposed Kid, Buck has a plan utilizing the real Juarez's Kid's ranch that will trap him.


The first Canadian sound feature film.


No Overview


Mary Brooks' father, who has been studying ancient tribes, falls into the hands of "the people of Zar, god of the Emerald Fingers." Tarzan helps Mary locate her father, rescues everyone from the High Priest of Zar, and takes Mary to his cave.


A spoof on mystery movies by the Masquers Club of Hollywood.


A gold-digging woman wins a big settlement against an older married man, which threatens to destroy the man's family. His son, discovering that the woman is part of a ring of blackmailers and that she is planning to flee the country, takes along his hulking chauffeur and follows her onto an ocean liner. There the two pretend to be a pair of wealthy playboys so that the woman will make a play for him and try to blackmail him, too, so he can then expose her and prove his father's innocence. Complications ensue.


Sam Dunning, one of the wealthiest ranchers in the Pecos Valley is found dead with a bullet in his back. Pinned to his body is a note which reads "An eye for an eye, signed Joan Stanton". Danger follows for Larry, a Texas Ranger. Will his sense of chivalry allow him to bring in a woman to face the charge of murder? Along the way, several cowboy tunes and fine locations contribute to the picture's Texican atmosphere.


The manager of The Big Circus plots to marry the owner's daughter and gain control of the outfit.

Dorothy, and her big city lawyer boyfriend, return to the Lazy 'B' ranch to read her late father's will. For Dorothy to inherit everything, she must stay on the ranch for 5 years. If she does not, everything goes to Buck, who is the manager. She does not like Buck, so she makes a deal with the wrong people for cattle and then the outlaws go to the ranch to get the $10,000 from her. But Buck is on the job.


A silent racing drama.


Jockey Johnny Spencer loses his job with Mrs. Calhoun for throwing a race. An adventuress named Sybil, who made Johnny hold back Mrs. Calhoun's horse, Lady, leaves him, and he becomes a racetrack bum. Johnny returns to Mrs. Calhoun's stable when the new jockey proves unable to manage Lady. Johnny wins the next race, thereby regaining Mrs. Calhoun's confidence and winning the love of her attractive daughter, Lucy.


A songwriter leaves his chorus girl sweetheart to join the US Army in WWI. In France he falls in love with French singer Madelon. He is crippled in action. Back in the States, his girl friend there leaves him. But Madelon can't forget him and comes to the USA to work there as singer. Per chance she meets the songwriter, and he is cured. Singing one of his love songs, he knows that he has found the right girl.

A producer decides to reopen a theater, that had been closed five years previously when one of the actors was murdered during a performance, by staging a production of the same play with the remaining members of the original cast.


Rich old Cyrus West's relatives are waiting for him to die so they can inherit. But he stipulates that his will be read 20 years after his death. On the appointed day his expectant heirs arrive at his brooding mansion. The will is read and it turns out that Annabelle West, the only heir with his name left, inherits, if she is deemed sane. If she isn't, the money and some diamonds go to someone else, whose name is in a sealed envelope. Before he can reveal the identity of her successor to Annabelle, Mr. Crosby, the lawyer, disappears. The first in a series of mysterious events, some of which point to Annabelle in fact being unstable.


While he goes to his lender to repay his debts, Sam Perry is robbed. He decides to hunt down the bandit, whose description corresponds strangely to that of Dutton, known as "Dude".


Prequel to The Ace of Scotland Yard. This serial is presumed lost.

Returning home from the Great War, "Breezy" Hart (Fred Humes) and his shell-shocked buddy Frank Wilcox (Ralph McCullough) discover the Wilcox property in the hands of evil Sam Hardy (William Norton Bailey). Frank, who is the rightful heir to the ranch, goes into hiding, while "Breezy" takes a job in the ranch kitchen. Learning of Frank's whereabouts, Hardy plots to have the young heir killed. Luckily, Breezy overhears the villain plotting with his henchmen and is able to rescue his friend. Hardy and his men are arrested, and Frank, now cured of his illness, is reunited with his girl, June Marston (Nita Cavalier). Breezy, meanwhile, is busy romancing his kitchen staff colleague, Mary Jane (Louise Lorraine).


Frank Leon Smith's well-written story told of Carter's Creek, a bustling mining camp, and of how Beth Cameron (Rich) seeks to avenge the murder of her father (Frederick Vroom) by donning men's clothing and raiding the vicinity.


Based on the novel by Edison Marshall

Reformed criminal Boston Blackie is outraged when a judge refuses to grant a pardon for a dying friend. He hires Norine, his now-dead friend's daughter, to get to the judge through his son Rudy. However, things don't work out quite as Blackie had planned.

An 18-part silent American adventure film serial now considered to be lost. Chapter Titles: 1. The Sea Raiders 2. Shipwrecked 3. The Cannibals' Captives 4. Hidden Gold 5. The Ship of Despair 6. Friday's Faith 7. The Swamp of Terror 8. Marooned 9. The Jaguar Trap 10. A Prisoner of the Sun 11. No Greater Love 12. The Island of Happiness 13. The Sword of Courage 14. The Buccaneers 15. The Jolly Roger 16. The Idol's Bride 17. When the Heart Calls 18. Back to the Primitive


Tarzan spurns the love of La, Queen of Opar. When he isn't trying to keep the Bolshevik Rokoff and Clayton (pretender to the Greystoke estate) from reaching Opar, he is attacked simultaneously by two lions, dropped into a pit when a volcano splits the ground, nearly sacrificed by sun worshipers, and so on.


While working as a dishwasher in a fashionable New York hotel, Elsie MacFarland often sneaks upstairs to enviously peek at the people dancing to jazz music. Seeing the attractive Elsie dressed in a boy's uniform, wealthy Lemuel Stallings wagers a friend that he can get Elsie onto the dance floor....

Returning from a selling trip, Jimmy Baxter, the fastest salesman at his father's munitions company, notices a pretty girl smiling at him in the station. Since her train soon leaves, all Jimmy learns about her is information on her luggage: her initials and destination, the Central American republic Santo Dinero.

Working as a manicurist at the Ritz, Helen Thurston, is in love with her wealthy patron, Jack Standring, but the young man's mother wants him to marry a rich debutante. Helen is informed that she has inherited her grandfather's millions, and she proceeds as quickly as possible to acquire expensive clothing and jewelry on credit. Jack, however, is not impressed. Soon Helen learns that she has inherited only $1,000, the remainder of the fortune having gone to her cousin Spindrift. The creditors hound her for their money, and at a grand ball at the Standring home, a detective threatens to arrest her. Touched by her poverty, Jack decides to elope with her. Finally Spindrift violates the conditions of the will, and Helen inherits the entire fortune.

During World War I, Jane Whiting, a bright young lawyer who is engaged to Senator Wheeler, is assigned by the district attorney to expose a gang of spies who are collecting money for the German government through the operation of a fraudulent charity organization. Wheeler's son Frank has fallen in love with Lola Schram, whose pro-German mother is forcing the girl to work for Frederick Kube, the head of the spy ring, but when Kube learns of the romance, he orders Mrs. Schram to break it off. When Lola finally confesses her activities to Frank, Kube kills her and then frames Frank for the murder. Meanwhile, Jane, through the help of Jimmy and Tilly Ware, has discovered Kube's headquarters and modus operandi

Violent labor disputes surround a girl living in a mining town. The BFI has a copy missing one reel.

Jim Crosby, the product of a broken home, becomes a gangster and goes to prison. Meanwhile, Ann Payton, an heiress, converts a saloon into a mission. She is engaged to her father's secretary, Temple Vaughn, a gambler. Jim is released from prison and seeks shelter at the mission. Temple becomes indebted to gambler Phil Johnson and is forced to arrange a crooked poker game involving some of his wealthy friends. Jim overhears the plot and, realizing that Temple is Ann's fiancé, robs the poker game and puts a check Temple forged into Temple's own pocket.

Criminals steal a radium-powered tank from an inventor. His heiress and a government agent take up the chase.
